Monday, August 31, 2015

Is the Retail Metals Market Headed for 2008-Style Shortages and Premium Spikes?

by moneymetals Demand for silver bullion is outstripping the ability of mints and refiners to supply, and the recent volatility in stock markets is compounding the problem. Yes, it’s getting “interesting-er” and “interesting-er” by the day! Demand spiked in late June when investors began worrying...

Metals market update for August 31

Last week gold and silver prices fell and gave up some of the gains from the previous week. from RSS Silver Dynamic

Gold Set for Best Month Since January as Stock Market Rout Lifts Safe Haven

by GoldCore DAILY PRICES Today’s Gold Prices: Bank Holiday in UK today Friday’s Gold Prices:  USD 1,125.50, EUR 998.23 and GBP 730.99 per ounce. (LBMA AM) Last week gold and silver prices fell and gave up some of the gains from the previous week. Gold was 2% lower on Friday and indeed 2% lower...

Silver and Warnings From Exponential Markets

by Gary Christenson For the past 15 – 40 years, debt and prices in most markets have moved upward, broadly speaking, in exponential trends.  See the following log-scale graphs. US T-Bonds:  T-Bonds have been rallying in their bull market since the early 1980’s.  Will they continue,...

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Global Silver Inventories Tipping Point? New Threat To The Fracking Industry

by SRSrocco If the world’s stock markets continue to unravel over the next several months, we could experience a tipping point in Global Silver Inventories.  In addition, the U.S. Fracking Industry is now facing a new threat which could lead to a serious drop in domestic oil production. I sat down with Mike Gleason from RSS Silver Dynamic

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Recent Trends in the Premium For Silver Coins Versus Spot Silver

by Jesse’s Café Américain “One important aspect of the physical market that is often overlooked is the premium it commands over spot price. Right before the Global Financial Crisis in 2008, the spot Silver price fell as low as USD 9 per oz., whereas the price of a 1 oz. Silver Eagle was around USD from...

Alasdair Explains Why the Next Crisis (Which He Believes is Likely to Begin in About a Month) Will Spread From A Banking Crisis to a CURRENCY CRISIS

In the Wake of “Black Monday” and the Past Week’s Crash of Historic Proportions, Alasdair Macleod Joins the Show to Break Down All the Market Action and What’s Coming This Fall, Discussing: 1. After a Brief Rally, Bear Market Likely to Resume With a Vengeance- the END GAME IS APPROACHING! 2. Run On Silver from RSS Silver Dynamic

Friday, August 28, 2015

All Eyes on September: 7-Year “Shemitah Cycle” Crash?

by moneymetals Steve St. Angelo Predicts a Tipping Point in Global Silver Inventories DOWNLOAD MP3 Don’t want to listen? Read the podcast below! Welcome to this week’s Market Wrap Podcast, I’m Mike Gleason. Coming up we’ll hear an insightful and fascinating interview...

Metals market update for August 28

Yesterday, gold rose a marginal $0.20 to $1124.30 in New York. Silver rose 27 cents or nearly 2% to $14.45 per ounce. from RSS Silver Dynamic

Gold and silver miners’ major breakdown

Yesterday we saw another big daily decline and it served as an additional confirmation that taking profits on long positions and entering short ones on Monday, at 2 p.m. (when the GDX was at $15) had been a good idea. Will the short positions become more profitable in the future? from...

MUST SEE CHART: Something Quite Interesting Happened In The Silver Market

by SRSrocco Something quite interesting took place in the silver market and I believe few investors realize the significance.  After looking over the data, I came across some fascinating evidence that shows just how fearful individuals are about investing in the paper precious metal markets. While...

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts – Bottom Watching

by Jesse’s Café Américain Gold took a gratuitous little hit on the NY open/London PM fix this morning. It was held down most of the day. Silver managed to perk up nicely though, regaining the midpoint to the 15 handle. Next month will be more active for silver, and not so for gold. Lets see from...

Metals market update for August 27

Yesterday, gold fell $15.40 to $1124.10 in New York – down 1.3%. Silver fell another 3% or 46 cents to $14.18 per ounce. from RSS Silver Dynamic

Why Gold Was the Best Buy in 2008-9 Crash and Will Be Again This Time Too

by GoldCore DAILY PRICES Today’s Gold Prices: USD 1128.50, EUR 728.91 and GBP 990.38 per ounce Yesterday’s Gold Prices:  USD 1134.40, EUR 724.63 and GBP 990.05 per ounce. (LBMA AM) Gold in US Dollars – 5 Years Yesterday, gold fell $15.40 to $1124.10 in New York – down 1.3%.  Silver fell...

ZIRP Leading to Collapse, Much Higher Gold & Silver Prices — David Jensen

Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St interviewed returning guest, precious metals expert David Jensen who owns a private mining company and also is a paid consultant in the precious metals mining industry. from RSS Silver Dynamic

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Silver Bank Run Is On…

Well, dealer run that is.  Texas Precious is out of almost ALL Silver products.. they only have high premium Perth Mint spiders and US Eagles left.  Zero bars of any type. Worst I have ever seen it. But don’t worry.. Dave says we will see it coming.  Here’s what...

Options Expiry And PM Paper Pricing

Jesse reminds us that the paper markets are still in charge of PM pricing, and that this time of month is especially ripe for games… so if you can’t understand why metals are being hit.. maybe you can after reading this (written yesterday);; There will be an option expiration...

Is the Big Crash Here? Silver & Gold Bear David Trungale Interview

We’ve now interviewed David Trungale a few times for and he always proves a popular guest. He is an expert when it comes to technical analysis and has rocked the boat with his bearish predictions on silver. What many people didn’t want to hear, ended up actually being the truth, and the truth from RSS Silver Dynamic

Jim Sinclair: Plunge Protection Team Losing Control of Markets, Silver Will Be Gold On Steroids In Coming Rally

Renowned gold expert Jim Sinclair stands by his prediction last year of an eventual gold price of $50,000 per ounce. Sinclair explains, “You have to understand we are going into unprecedented deflation, and it’s the reaction of central banks around the world to the concept of deflation that brings about hyperinflation. . . . from RSS Silver Dynamic

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Metals market update for August 25

Yesterday, gold rose initially prior to selling in the futures market saw gold fall $6.30 to $1153.10 in New York and ended down just 0.5%. Silver slipped 50 cents to $14.78 per ounce. Gold in euros and sterling fell by slightly more but still outperformed falling stock markets. from...

MARKET CRASH 2015; DEFLATION, DEFLATION, DEFLATION, by Cassandras SON kevin D. blanch 8/25/20153… GOLDEN SILVER FACTORY fairy tales myths and labyrinths, THE ALAN GREENSPAN science fiction economics FAIRYTALE 1980 TO 2015,, R.I.P the GIG IS UP;;; The more the fake inflation, DEATH BY A 1000 GREENSPAN CUTS, FREE MARKET FAIRYTALES AND golden Labyrinth$ from the QUEENS enchanted forest, look Cinderella you could marry a PRINCE from...

Metals market update for August 25

Yesterday, gold rose initially prior to selling in the futures market saw gold fall $6.30 to $1153.10 in New York and ended down just 0.5%. Silver slipped 50 cents to $14.78 per ounce. Gold in euros and sterling fell by slightly more but still outperformed falling stock markets. from...

$2000 Gold & $50 Silver 2015-16! | Bo Polny

IN THIS INTERVIEW: – All time highs in the gold and silver markets this year? ?0:36 – Stock market crash coming? ?6:24 – Economic collapse in September? ?13:15 – U.S. dollar flash crash ahead ?15:53 – People are losing confidence in paper assets ?17:35 – How to prepare for the coming paradigm shift ?20:02 from RSS Silver Dynamic

Monday, August 24, 2015

Why This Stock Market Crash Is Different – Mike Maloney

Published on Aug 24, 2015 More: Mike maloney’s latest update on the markets including gold, silver, oil and the inevitable oncoming deflation. Hidden Secrets Of Money is a world-leading educational series that is sponsored by, and also based on the priciples of WealthCycles. It shows the evolution of gold and silver from RSS Silver Dynamic http...

Next silver bull market may have already started

And yet evidence for why prices are the way they are - and why they will eventually return from whence they came is ignored almost as a matter of routine. from RSS Silver Dynamic

"Gold and silver will be your only lifeboats"

“As for gold and silver, these markets are both REALLY tight if you want the physical metal. If you are trading paper metal …oh well, can’t help you.” from RSS Silver Dynamic

Metals market update for August 24

On Friday, gold rose as high as $1161.67 in New York and ended with a gain of 0.64%. Silver slipped to as low as $15.14 and ended with a loss of 1.29%. from RSS Silver Dynamic

“Gold and silver will be your only lifeboats” warns Jim Sinclair

by GoldCore “As for gold and silver, these markets are both REALLY tight if you want the physical metal. If you are trading paper metal …oh well, can’t help you.” “This is the Great Credit Unwind and as such, currencies of all sorts, including the dollar, will take turns crashing. Watch the various...

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Gold & Silver: Futures Market Leverage Comparison

The following chart never gets old.. I think it’s worth looking at again, as we discuss how futures have distorted the oil market, and how futures have allowed for the pricing of Silver, Gold, and strangely, two other metals that just happen to used sometimes as gov’t minted coins…. hmmmmmmmm; So...

When The Global Silver Shortage Arrives… It Will Be Too Late

by SRSrocco If you are waiting for a signal that a global wholesale silver shortage has begun, it will likely be too late to acquire physical metal.  Why?  Because it has never happened before.  So, when the world bond and stock markets finally collapse under a mountain of paper, leverage...

We Will Have A Precious Metals Option Expiration On Wednesday The 26th Which May Be More Of A Thing For Silver Than For Gold.

by Jesse’s Café Américain “MIT and Wharton and University of Chicago created the financial engineering instruments which, like Samson and Delilah, blinded every CEO. They didn’t realize the kind of leverage they were doing and they didn’t understand when they were really creating a real profit or...

Stocks Biggest Crash in 4 Years, Silver Shortage & Bitcoin Fork

Greek members of parliament voted early last Friday morning to approve a new multi-billion euro bailout deal aimed at keeping the nation afloat. 75% of Parliament voted YES. The deal has already been approved by Greece’s euro partners. The deal requires tax hikes and more tough spending cuts, of course all in return for from RSS Silver Dynamic

August Silver Open Interest Surges, Stands For Immediately Delivery of 35 Tonnes: Who Needs Immediate Delivery of 1,135,000 oz of Silver in a Non-Delivery Month!?!

With gold surging all week and the DOW on the verge of all-out free-fall after plunging over 500 points Friday, The Doc & Eric Dubin Break Down All the Action, Discussing: 1. DOW Plunges 500 Points Friday, 1300 Points on the Week- Is a Global Financial Collapse/Panic Underway? 2. August Silver Open Interest Surges, from RSS Silver Dynamic

Secretary of State Warns Forces “Bubbling Out There” to Supplant U.S. Dollar

by moneymetals Interview with David Morgan: “Only So Much Silver Available” at Current Levels DOWNLOAD MP3 Don’t want to listen? Read the podcast below! Welcome to this week’s Market Wrap Podcast, I’m Mike Gleason. Coming up we’ll talk to our friend David Morgan of The Morgan Report. David has some...

Thursday, August 20, 2015

2015 United States RECESSION is starting to show on Wall Street. Oil is at 6 year low. Many top equities have started selling off. Precious metals have pivoted in price: Gold, Silver, Platinum & Palladium have moved higher this past week.

I do not spend much time paying attention to the rigged, manipulated markets; but this time seems different… 2015 continues to be an extraordinary year in terms of geopolitical friction, monetary confusion & social clashing. With all of the talk in the past few months about the 7 year cycle, Shemitah,...

Metals market update for August 19

On Tuesday, gold finished trading with a small gain of 0.01% or $0.10, closing at $1,117.70/oz. Silver dropped 0.2.87% or $0.44, closing at $14.88/oz. from RSS Silver Dynamic


by SGT, SGT Steve St. Angelo from SRS Rocco Report is back to discuss the fear that’s running through the global financial system, the global run on silver, the coming market crash – and much much more. Thanks for tuning in! from RSS Silver Dynamic

Andrew Hoffman – Much Closer To The Edge

from Financial Survival Network What’s Imploding Now with Andrew Hoffman: China devaluation – ramifications of all kinds (crashing commodities, currencies, Dong devaluation today) Greece “bailout” terms – GrExit more guaranteed than ever Today’s article, on incredible St. Louis Fed “white paper” saying...

There Will Be A Reckoning Between Willfulness, The Will To Power, And Reality.

by Jesse’s Café Américain Gold and silver popped higher today from early on, and then continued their rally as the Fed minutes were leaked ahead of schedule, maybe to provide some relief to the stock market.  They revealed confusion and gloom about the real economy, and cast some doubt on their...

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Silver Is At Or Very Near An Intermediate Bottom And An 82 Month Cycle Low.

by Gary Christenson The price of silver has been crushed during the last four years.  Prices are ready to reverse.  We will know soon enough after the High-Frequency-Traders have their way with prices for paper silver and gold on the CME.  But consider: Casey Research:  Top 7 Reasons...

Here’s Why Your Investment Advisor WON’T Tell You about Silver and Gold IRAs

by moneymetals Very few U.S. investors own even an ounce of gold or silver bullion, so it should come as no surprise that almost none of them know of the various options to hold bullion in an IRA account. The lack of awareness is generally compounded by financial professionals – the very people...

Look at the Chinese Gold and Silver Charts from Friday and today! They are identical! Full control!

Look at the white line from today’s trading and Fridays! THey are identical! They didn’t want it to go on Friday! They do today! Do you see why I was trying to get everyone to buy Friday? It was a stopped breakout! Today they let it go! The Chinese have full control over the “manipulation” from...

Monday, August 17, 2015

Silver Shortage Reaches Wholesale Market – Steve St. Angelo Interview – SRSRocco Report

Independent researcher Steve St. Angelo (SRSrocco) started to invest in precious metals in 2002. Later on in 2008, he began researching areas of the gold and silver market that, curiously, the majority of the precious metal analyst community have left unexplored. These areas include how energy and the falling EROI – Energy Returned On from RSS Silver Dynamic

Sunday, August 16, 2015

HAA Prices And Premiums (Sat Aug 15): You tell me. Do we have shortages?

I just wrote some code to scrape the HAA site for prices and premiums.  Here are the results, sorted by premium.  I think the answer is, “don’t buy Silver Eagles in Sydney.”  Even 1oz rounds in New York are only at 5% premium. You tell me.  Do we have shortages?  It does look...

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Gold And Silver – Market Bottoming? Big Rally Imminent? Reality Check Says NO.

by Michael Noonan Saturday  15 August 2015 The developing events over the past few months are so varied, seemingly unrelated but are all tied in, just not in a cognitive manner that makes sense, and almost all them are based upon lies by one government after another, the worst offender being...

Confirmation that a Wholesale Silver Shortage is in fact developing – Aug 14

Confirmation that a #Wholesale #Silver #Shortage is in fact developing – Aug 14 @SilverDoctors — TraderStef (@TraderStef) August 14, 2015 from RSS Silver Dynamic

Friday, August 14, 2015

Gold & Silver Suddenly Slammed! Someone big (like a Central Bank) is getting rid of Gold as if Fed would hike rates tomorrow!

Gold & Silver Suddenly Slammed Around 1030ET, The US Dollar suddenly went bid, driving broad-based commodity weakness. Silver had been creeping higher all morning but it appears someone wanted to keep it below its 50-day moving average and has thrown 1000s of contracts short at it, slamming the...

Jay Taylor/David Kranzler How Much Longer Can this Fascist Monetary Fraud Continue

Jay Taylor invited me back on his “Turning Hard Times Into Good Times” internet radio show on  The topics covered include the China’s currency devaluation and what it means, the proliferation of U.S.-originated media propaganda false flags and the Growing Shortage of Physical Silver. from RSS Silver Dynamic

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Gold and silver correlations for August 2015

Correlation seems almost like a magical word. In fact, most people don’t have to use this term more often than a couple of times a year. from RSS Silver Dynamic

“Imagine our purchasing power when gold and silver are inevitably/imminently revalued multiple folds higher”

from JC, SGT Report: Our friend JC from Canada sent us this note yesterday with insight about how physical silver is already protecting his purchasing power in light of a strong US Dollar and Yuan devaluation repercussions… —– Hi Sean, Wow, what an historic day in light of China devaluing the Yuan!...

Gold Bullion, The Fed, Exter’s Pyramid – When John Exter Met Paul Volcker

by GoldCore DAILY PRICES Today’s Gold prices were USD 1,117.35, EUR 1005.54 and GBP 715.56 per ounce. Yesterday’s Gold prices were USD 1,116.80, EUR 1003.23 and GBP 717.18 per ounce. [LBMA AM prices] Gold in USD – 10 Years Gold and silver rose on the COMEX again yesterday – up 1% to $1,123.80...

Silver Peaked In 1980 And Then Crashed Into “Silver Desolation Row” In 1999 – 2001, Like Now.

by Gary Christenson Silver peaked in 1980 and then crashed into “Silver Desolation Row” in 1999 – 2001, like now. The 1970s decade was the time for commodity price increases and inflation.  The 1980s and 1990s saw a preference for paper assets and stocks, while commodities, gold, and silver...

Danielle Park – Will Slowing Economies Make The World Face Economic Reality?

from Financial Survival Network Danielle Park called the current commodities bust many years ago… She sees oil hitting the $10-$40 range, shortly. Many other negative trends are in place and the Chinese Economic Miracle will be hit even harder than it is now. However, there’s a silver lining to these...

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Gold Price Rises After Currency Wars Reignite As China Devalues

by GoldCore DAILY PRICES Today’s Gold prices were USD 1,116.80, EUR 1003.23 and GBP 717.18 per ounce. Yesterday’s Gold prices were USD 1,113.25, EUR 1008.97 and GBP 713.74 per ounce. [LBMA AM prices] Gold in USD – 1 Year Gold and silver rose on the COMEX yesterday – up 0.5% to $1,108.70 and...

The Coming Market Crash Will Wipe Out Global Silver Supply

by SRSrocco The market doesn’t realize it yet, but the coming collapse of the global stock and bond markets will totally wipe out world silver supplies.  Unfortunately, this will occur at the time when main stream investors finally understand the value of owning physical silver. Global Financial...

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Metals market update for August 11

Gold and silver rose on the COMEX yesterday – up 1% to $1,103.30 and silver surged 3% to $15.24/oz. Both metals saw similar gains in euro, sterling and other currencies. from RSS Silver Dynamic

Gold Bullion Holds Its Own As Media Stocks Collapse

by GoldCore Daily Prices Today’s Gold prices were USD 1,113.25, EUR 1008.97 and GBP 713.74 per ounce. Yesterday’s Gold prices were USD 1,094.80, EUR 998.50 and GBP 707.74 per ounce. [LBMA AM prices] Gold in USD – 1 Week Gold and silver rose on the COMEX yesterday – up 1% to $1,103.30 and...

Gold & Silver: We Have Certainly Been Seeing Extremes In Sentiment With Regard With Gold And Silver In Both Directions…

by Jesse’s Café Américain Gold and silver popped a bit today, from what can only be described as a ‘deeply oversold’ condition.   And weakness in the dollar index certainly was a factor, although again it is good to keep in mind that the DX index is largely outdated, and just the inverse of the from...

Monday, August 10, 2015

Silver Stackers Quickest To Adapt

A perfect storm approaches. A storm powered by reality. from RSS Silver Dynamic

Steve Quayle with Dave Hodges: Economic Collapse Coming! Where to Put Your Money

by Dave Hodges What a riveting 60 minutes as Dave Hodges interviewed Steve Quayle. Dave and Steve explored the reasons why the price of gold and silver are plunging in price and this is what makes the purchase of these precious metals such a great buy in the present time. The elite are manipulating from...

What You Need to Know about Silver Supply and Premiums

by moneymetals Lower precious metals prices on Wall Street aren’t necessarily bringing lower prices on Main Street. Both the U.S. Mint and the Royal Canadian Mint continue to run into serious issues keeping up with retail silver demand. And this week brings word of new silver supply-chain problems. After...

QE Death Sentence & UST Bond BLACK HOLE

by Jim Willie,, via Silver Doctors: Rather than stimulus, the USFed’s Quantitative Easing is a death sentence for the USDollar. It might provide an ongoing backdoor bailout opportunity for Wall Street banks, and even a window for China to switch from long dated to short dated...

Gold’s Artificial Lows – Price Surge Coming

by GoldCore DAILY PRICES Today’s Gold prices were USD 1,094.80, EUR 998.50 & GBP 707.74 per ounce. Friday’s Gold prices were USD 1,091.35, EUR 998.99 & GBP 703.01 per ounce. [LBMA AM prices] Last week, gold and silver were mixed with gold marginally lower for the week – down 0.28%...