Wednesday, August 31, 2016

This Chart Predicts $4,000 to $8,500 Gold! – What Happens If The Current Gold Bull Market Performs Like Previous Ones

Published here:


The current gold bull market is just over 6 months old, and while it has not been a gentle ride, it is very much expected considering the volatility of previous bull markets. That being said, we are just getting started. Using a sports analogy, according to our estimates we are not even halfway through the second inning using the average duration of the previous three bull markets.

Here is what the current gold bull market could look like if we used previous gains as a proxy:


Historically, the longer the preceding bear market, the longer the bull market that followed. When the bear market ended in December 2015, it marked the end to the longest gold bear market in centuries. We predict the current market will match the 2001-2008 bull and then some, and gold will break $5,000 an ounce when it’s all said and done.

On a sidenote, we are now into the fifth week of our silver giveaway. Sign up a free report on silver investing and a chance to win actual silver!

Massive Debt Bubble in Ireland and Globally Sees Wealthy Diversify Into Gold

Published here:

Mark O'Byrne, Research Director of GoldCore, was interviewed by Max Keiser about the arrival of negative interest rates in Ireland and Germany, the risk of bail-ins, the return of a rental and property bubble in Dublin, the Irish and global debt bubble and why wealthy individuals and institutions are diversifying into gold.

markobyrneMark O’Byrne interviewed by Max Keiser - Starts 12:24 - Watch here 

Key points in the interview are:

- Groupthink in Ireland and internationally with few questioning the "recovery narrative"

- Irish government, like the U.S. and most western countries, is technically insolvent but this is masked by "statistical manipulation"

- Ireland 's national debt is €185 billion - down to 91% of GNP - this sounds good but totally bogus as excludes all future pensions liabilities - state and private

- Irish state pensions not included and they alone add another €100 billion - pushes debt to GNP ratio over 150%

- Non state, private pension liabilities in Ireland are estimated to be roughly another €80 billion

- Irish banks weakest in EU as seen in stress tests. Therefore real risk of deposit bail-ins

- Real risk of another global financial crisis given "astronomical" debt levels throughout the western world

- Wealthiest investors and largest institutions in the world, including Lord Rothchilds and insurance company Munich Re, are diversifying into gold

Interview with Mark O'Byrne starts at 12.24 and can be watched here:



Gold and Silver Bullion - News and Commentary

Gold Heads for Monthly Decline as Fed Rate Fears Damp Its Appeal (Bloomberg)

Gold ends at 2-month low as Fed comments fuel dollar’s climb (MarketWatch)

Russian bank Otkritie starts gold bars sales on Shanghai Exchange (Reuters)

Euro zone economic confidence worsens more than predicted (Reuters)

Irish government faces threat of split after EU’s Apple ruling (IrishTimes)

Here’s how the Fed and others will drive gold to $1,700 (MarketWatch)

Gold may be worth more than the spot price (BusinessInsider)

Dutch central bank hides gold bar list to conceal leasing - Suckecki (GoldChat)

Why Britain's pension crisis will wreck your investments (Telegraph)

Central bankers to governments: Time to spend, spend, spend (MoneyWeek)


Gold Prices (LBMA AM)

31Aug: USD 1,314.45, GBP 1,000.30 & EUR 1,179.19 per ounce
30Aug: USD 1,318.85, GBP 1,008.39 & EUR 1,180.90 per ounce
26Aug: USD 1,324.90, GBP 1,002.95 & EUR 1,173.33 per ounce
25Aug: USD 1,324.50, GBP 1,001.06 & EUR 1,172.98 per ounce
24Aug: USD 1,337.30, GBP 1,010.73 & EUR 1,185.38 per ounce
23Aug: USD 1,338.50, GBP 1,015.25 & EUR 1,181.09 per ounce
22Aug: USD 1,334.30, GBP 1,018.20 & EUR 1,181.26 per ounce

Silver Prices (LBMA)

31Aug: USD 18.74, GBP 14.27 & EUR 16.82 per ounce
30Aug: USD 18.78, GBP 14.35 & EUR 16.82 per ounce
26Aug: USD 18.67, GBP 14.15 & EUR 16.54 per ounce
25Aug: USD 18.50, GBP 14.02 & EUR 16.39 per ounce
24Aug: USD 18.84, GBP 14.23 & EUR 16.70 per ounce
23Aug: USD 18.98, GBP 14.40 & EUR 16.75 per ounce
22Aug: USD 18.91, GBP 14.45 & EUR 16.74 per ounce

Recent Market Updates

- “Why Case Against Gold Is Wrong” – James Rickards
- Obama To Leave $20 Trillion Debt Crisis For Clinton Or Trump
- Gold Bullion Averages Biggest Seasonal Gains in September Over Past 20 Years
- Gold Futures See Massive $1.5 Billion “Non Profit” Liquidation In “One Minute”
- Jim Grant Is “Very Bullish On Gold”
- Germans Warned To ‘Stockpile’ Cash In Case Of ‘War’
- Ireland’s Biggest Bank Charging Depositors – Negative Interest Rate Madness
- Rothchilds Buying Gold On “Greatest Experiment” With Money In “History of the World”
- Gold – “Mother of All Bull Markets Has Only Just Begun” – Grandich
- 45th Anniversary Of Nixon Ending The Gold Standard
- Gold In UK Pounds Collapses 38% Versus Gold and 56% Versus Silver Year To Date
- Will Ireland Be First Country In World To See Bail-in Regime?
- Money "Madness" Negative Interest Rates Sees Gold Buying Surge

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

“Why Case Against Gold Is Wrong” - James Rickards

Published here:

James Rickards, geopolitical and monetary expert and best selling author of the ‘The New Case for Gold’ considered today 'the case against gold' in best selling UK financial publication Money Week.

Rickards debunks the most commonly held arguments against gold including that gold does not have a yield, there is not being enough gold to support the monetary and financial system and that gold "cannot support the growth of world trade and commerce because it doesn’t grow fast enough."

Rickards begins his article by recapping gold's recent price history and why it appears undervalued now:

... I want to take a look at the case against gold. Starting from a low of about $250 per ounce in mid-1999, gold staged a spectacular rally of over 600%, to about $1,900 per ounce, by August 2011. Unfortunately, that rally looked increasingly unstable towards the end.

Gold was about $1,400 per ounce as late as January 2011. Almost $500 per ounce of the overall rally occurred in just the last seven months before the peak. That kind of hyperbolic growth is almost always unsustainable.

Sure enough, gold fell sharply from that peak to below $1,100 per ounce by July 2015. It still shows a gain of about 350% over 15 years. But gold’s lost nearly 40% over the past four years. Those who invested during the 2011 rally are underwater, and many have given up on gold in disgust. For long-time observers of gold markets, sentiment has been the worst they’ve ever seen.

Yet it’s in times of extreme bearish sentiment that outstanding investments can be found – if you know how and where to look.

There’s already been a change in the winds for gold so far this year.

James Rickards said recently that gold has the "chart of the decade" and made a strong case, based on 'maths' and on gold's small above ground supplies and meager annual production versus surging money supply growth, why he believes gold will rise to $10,000 per ounce.

He has also pointed out the risks of having all your assets in a digital format - be they digital currency deposits, digital gold, stocks or indeed bonds. These assets are now intermediated by technology which creates counter party risk from the platform, liquidity providers etc.

The number one reason to buy gold bullion given the new risks in the 21st century digital age is “cyber financial warfare” and the risks this poses to people's assets that are held online, according to James Rickards.

Owning gold bars and coins in your possession and owning bullion in allocated and most importantly in segregated accounts will continue to protect and grow wealth in the coming years.

GoldCore: 7 Key Storage Must HavesDownload Guide

Gold and Silver Bullion - News and Commentary

Gold holds overnight gains; U.S. data back in focus (Reuters)

Gold Heads for Monthly Drop as Investors Weigh U.S. Rate Outlook (Bloomberg)

Gold turns up from near 5-week low as dollar eases  (Reuters)

Gold is doing something it’s only done twice in the past decade  (BusinessInsider)

Platinum industry not mining anywhere near forecast demand (MiningWeekly)


Is Britain on the verge of a Brexit-fuelled house price crash? (TheGuardian)

British sovereignty depends on leaving the EU and the Single Market (Telegraph)

Thanks to the EU's bungling, Russia will inevitably win in Ukraine (Telegraph)

The Night That Is Upon Us and the Dawn of a New Era (Plata)

Six Ways NIRP Is Economically Negative (GoldSeek)

Gold Prices (LBMA AM)

30Aug: USD 1,318.85, GBP 1,008.39 & EUR 1,180.90 per ounce
26Aug: USD 1,324.90, GBP 1,002.95 & EUR 1,173.33 per ounce
25Aug: USD 1,324.50, GBP 1,001.06 & EUR 1,172.98 per ounce
24Aug: USD 1,337.30, GBP 1,010.73 & EUR 1,185.38 per ounce
23Aug: USD 1,338.50, GBP 1,015.25 & EUR 1,181.09 per ounce
22Aug: USD 1,334.30, GBP 1,018.20 & EUR 1,181.26 per ounce
19Aug: USD 1,346.85, GBP 1,026.30 & EUR 1,189.67 per ounce

Silver Prices (LBMA)

30Aug: USD 18.78, GBP 14.35 & EUR 16.82 per ounce
26Aug: USD 18.67, GBP 14.15 & EUR 16.54 per ounce
25Aug: USD 18.50, GBP 14.02 & EUR 16.39 per ounce
24Aug: USD 18.84, GBP 14.23 & EUR 16.70 per ounce
23Aug: USD 18.98, GBP 14.40 & EUR 16.75 per ounce
22Aug: USD 18.91, GBP 14.45 & EUR 16.74 per ounce
19Aug: USD 19.42, GBP 14.80 & EUR 17.14 per ounce

Recent Market Updates

- Obama To Leave $20 Trillion Debt Crisis For Clinton Or Trump
- Gold Bullion Averages Biggest Seasonal Gains in September Over Past 20 Years
- Gold Futures See Massive $1.5 Billion “Non Profit” Liquidation In “One Minute”
- Jim Grant Is “Very Bullish On Gold”
- Germans Warned To ‘Stockpile’ Cash In Case Of ‘War’
- Ireland’s Biggest Bank Charging Depositors – Negative Interest Rate Madness
- Rothchilds Buying Gold On “Greatest Experiment” With Money In “History of the World”
- Gold – “Mother of All Bull Markets Has Only Just Begun” – Grandich
- 45th Anniversary Of Nixon Ending The Gold Standard
- Gold In UK Pounds Collapses 38% Versus Gold and 56% Versus Silver Year To Date
- Will Ireland Be First Country In World To See Bail-in Regime?
- Money "Madness" Negative Interest Rates Sees Gold Buying Surge
- Gold Investment Demand Reaches Record In First Half 2016 On “Perfec

How will the Price of Gold be affected by the Upcoming US Election?

Published here:

Gold price

With the American election looming, the financial markets are expected to enter a significant period of volatility and turbulence. The exact nature of this uncertainty will depend largely on the course that the respective election campaigns take, and whether or not the likely incumbent in the White House is perceived as a good or a bad choice.

This has been the way for years; as various Presidential candidates and their policy projections have impacted on the financial market and its various asset classes. Seemingly safe and secure assets like gold tend to be particularly affected, as traders either flock to or abandon such products as the election continues to unfold.

Then and Now: A Brief History of Elections, the stock Market and Precious Metals

If we look back through time, there are various historical precedents with regards to the performance of the stock market and particular assets after a Presidential election. In fact, every US election staged since 1988 has resulted in an average stock market decline of 0.5% during the first week of the new incumbent’s tenure. From a longer-term perspective, the markets have rebounded more bullishly when a Democratic administration has been at the helm, rather than the controversial and often polarising Republicans.

In recent history, Barack Obama is thought to have had a largely positive impact on the price of gold. This is thanks largely to his steady and consistent Presidency, which has overseen several financial crises’ such as the Great Recession and the fiscal cliff. Certainly his second term in office has seen the price of gold reach a peak of $1.920 an ounce in 2011, before declining by an estimated 40% by the end of 2015. This highlights the economic growth that has flourished in the US over the last four years, which has caused the demand for gold to fall incrementally.

What About the Current Election?

Despite predictions for a prosperous 2016 and suggestions that the price of gold would drop below the £1000 an ounce mark, this precious metal has instead risen by 25% since the beginning of the year. Now priced at around $1,330 an ounce according to ETX Capital, it is expected to rise further as uncertainty surrounding the current Presidential election and the viability of the two candidates grows. At the heart of this is the political posturing of Republican candidate Donald Trump, who continues to polarise opinion and cast doubt over his own suitability for office.

With Hilary Clinton also far from popular with certain demographics, the future of the American economy is hard to forecast. This has triggered the bulk buying of gold as a secure store of wealth, which will empower investors should the economic landscape darken into the New Year. This trend is likely to continue in the immediate aftermath of the result regardless of who is elected, with prices likely to rise further while the new incumbent established themselves and sets a fixed economic course.

In terms of the long-term performance of gold, this depends on the success of the new incumbent and their ability to drive sustainable economic growth.  Make no mistake; however, the election of Donald Trump would most likely cause gold price to rise for longer due to his explosive temperament and lack of experience in political office.

Michael Pento: Stagflation to Force People into Gold

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Listen to the Podcast Audio: Click Here

Michael PentoMike Gleason, Money Metals Exchange: It is my privilege now to be joined by Michael Pento, president and founder of Pento Portfolio Strategies and author of the book The Coming Bond Market Collapse: How to Survive the Demise of the US Debt Market. Michael is a money manager who ascribes to the Austrian school of economics and has been a regular guest on CNBC, Bloomberg, and Fox Business News, among others.

Michael, it’s good to talk to you again. Thanks very much for joining us today and welcome back.

Michael Pento, Pento Portfolio Strategies: Thanks for having me back on.

Mike Gleason: Well to start off here, Michael, I want to get your thoughts on some of the economic data we’re seeing out there and maybe you can explain some of the market action to us because there seems to be a lot of confusion. Now as you pointed out in an article you wrote earlier this week, we have a big disconnect between what the payroll reports and the employment numbers are showing compared to the tax receipts the Treasury Department is collecting. Talk about that if you would and also let us know what conclusions you’re drawing from these numbers.

Michael Pento: Well unfortunately, the conclusions I’m drawing is that the payroll numbers aren’t telling the truth. If you listen to the Labor Department, the number of net new jobs created year-over-year this fiscal year so far – it’s going to end at the end of September, so we have almost all the data in – there has been 1.66 million net new jobs created. One would assume if you have all these people in a net basis in the workforce that tax receipts would be increasing, and yet, you see corporate receipts are down 12.8% year-to-date and individual tax receipts are down 0.4% year-to-date. Furthermore, there’s something called the FUTA tax, and that’s basically a tax on, employment insurance tax on, the first $6,000 of anyone employed. So unless these people that are employed, supposedly full time and gainful employment, are earning less than $6,000 a year, these people should be paying into this pool. And those receipts are actually down year over year.

So I believe that the Bureau of Labor statistics is inflating this data and I believe the quality of the data, in other words, the number of jobs created and the quality of those jobs are mostly part time in nature and very low paying service sector jobs, which by the way, would also explain the absolute lack of productivity. Don’t forget, in case you don’t know, in case your audience isn’t aware, productivity has dropped for three quarters in a row, and a productivity of part time bar maids is not very high. That would explain the discrepancy between the two numbers that I just described between the Bureau of Labor statistics and the tax receipt data, and it also explains why I think this economy is most likely in a recession right now.

Mike Gleason: There’s something else here that doesn’t seem to add up. We continue to see records in the stock market, but earnings are not keeping up with the rise in share prices. It’s hard to know who’s actually buying shares. Zero Hedge has reported that retail investors don’t seem to be buyers. So is it possible that the fed might be actively playing in this market? We do know the Swiss Central Bank has been buying U.S. stocks and certainly Bank of Japan is a huge buyer.

Michael Pento: Sure. Really, is it that much of a stress to believe that the Federal Reserve is doing exactly what other central bankers are doing? I think we’re all headed towards helicopter money. This is where this is all going to head up. So if you look at earnings on the S&P 500, it is down 5 quarters in a row and most likely it will be 6 quarters after this earning season is wrapped up. So if you have 6 quarters in a row of falling earnings, what is supporting the stock market, which is, by the way, trading at record highs? If you look at median PE ratios, if you look at price to sales ratios, if you look at total market cap to GDP ratios, this is the most expensive market in aggregate that we have ever had in history. It’s even more expensive when you think of the fact that you have earnings that are most likely falling, that means negative, 6 quarters in a row.

So who is inflating the stock bubble? It has to be the Bank of Japan, the Swiss National Bank, the European Central Bank, and the Fed, even if they’re not directly buying ETS as they are over there in the maniacal inflation seeking retirement colony in Japan. You at least have to admit that keeping interest rates near zero for 90 months and inflating the Fed’s balance sheet by $3.7 trillion has bent down the yield curve to almost a flat level where it sits now at a 10-Year around 1.5%. That has forced everybody in a wild search for yield and where are they going? They are going every place from municipal bonds to collateralized loan obligations to REITs to every type of fixed income proxy there is, even to high performance sports cars and art. So every asset is in a bubble thanks to the fact that risk-free, so called risk-free, rate of return has been pushed down to near zero for 90 months on a worldwide basis.

coming bond market collapseMike Gleason: You’ve written a book about the coming bond market collapse and I want to get your comments on that market here. We continue to see bond prices holding strong and even rallying. Central banks have been huge buyers, but it appears even the private sector can’t get enough of them. Investors are taking bonds with negative yield in many cases and I’ve seen reports that offerings have even been over-subscribed. Has the ongoing strength in bonds surprised you and have you revised any of your thinking on the dire predictions about the bond market? Because there is an argument out there, Michael, that the central banks can continue to buy bonds with newly created electronic money until the moment the electricity goes out.

Michael Pento: Well they certainly can. I wrote the book in 2013. I never expected that yields would go into negative territory. So I was prescient, I was definitely ahead of the curve, calling this a bond bubble when nobody else was calling this a bond bubble, but what has occurred basically, quite simply, is that the bond bubble is more elastic than I thought and has gotten much, much bigger. Look at the amount of global debt. Global debt right now is $230 trillion, up $60 trillion since 2007. That is 300% of global GDP.

The U.S. debt is 350% of GDP. The average ratio of U.S. debt to GDP is 150% and that existed for decade after decade after decade prior to going off the gold standard in 1971. So we went from 150%, which is sort of the average, the normal, to 350% debt to GDP. And there’s a massive accumulation of this debt. But by the way, this is not debt that’s been taken on by you put your savings in the bank and you have robust GDP growth, you save a little money, and that money is loaned out to the private sector for what? Capital good creation and for engendering productivity enhancements. This massive accumulation of debt isn’t at all that genre, it’s unproductive debt that is only made serviceable by unprecedented increases in base money supply. This is the perfect recipe for stagflation.

So if you add a massive increase of unproductive debt, and I gave you the numbers, $230 trillion – totally unproductive debt going to share buybacks and hole digging and pyramid building – this debt is not going to be accompanied by any type of GDP growth. It’s unserviceable unless central banks continue their torrid and unprecedented pace of quantitative easing. Just put a figure on that. There is now occurring $200 billion of quantitative easing every month, every month. So worldwide, central bankers are engaged in QE to the tune of $200 billion a month of central bank credit creation. So if you have stagflation, no growth, and a massive and unprecedented and intractable increase in the base money supply, of course you’re going to get inflation. You have to get a rapid rise inflation. And when that occurs, you’re going to have a collapse in the bond market, the likes of which we have never seen before.

Let me just quickly take you to Japan, an example I love to use. 250% debt to GDP, that’s just federal debt, that’s not gross debt, it’s just federal debt. You have an inflation target of 2% and you have a perpetual recession, never ending. It’s been going on and off since 1989. What happens when the BOJ, the Bank of Japan, successfully achieves a 2% inflation target…? And don’t be misled for a second, no central bank can peg an inflation target, it will go to 2% and then keep on going. Here you are holding a Japanese JGB, ten year note, going out ten years, yielding negative ten bases points, inflation is rising, going north of 2%, and you’re dealing with an insolvent nation. The debt you hold is that of an insolvent, broke nation that is going to default.

What are you going to do? You’ll panic out of that note. You will sell that to anybody because you know that the central bank of Japan, the BOJ, will be getting out of the monetary monetization business. That’s what I predict will happen. It’s going to happen in Europe, it’s going to happen in Japan, it’s going to happen in the United States. And when that happens, when yields spike, it will reveal the insolvency of that global $230 trillion debt condition.

Mike Gleason: Let’s pivot and talk about the metals, specifically, certainly, we’ve seen some very strong action this year, which began back in January and February when we spoke to you last. Gold is up about 25% for the year, silver’s up about 40%, but both metals have come under pressure here over the last couple of weeks. The mining stocks, which have been on absolute tear, have pulled back as well. Do you expect this to be a prolonged correction in the metals with prices maybe heading lower into September or October? What are your thoughts there on the metals?

Michael Pento: Well let’s give you the reason. First of all, I am not a Pollyanna about any asset class. If I thought that the Federal Reserve was going to be able to engage in a protracted, steady increase in the Fed funds rate in the matter they did between 2004 and 2006, if I thought that they were going to be able to do this in the context of steadily increasing GDP growth, then I would tell you, “You better get the hell out of gold and gold mining shares as quickly as possible”. I can tell you right now, I don’t believe that’s the case.

So the pullback I see right now is healthy in nature, it’s way overdue, and it was engendered by, it was caused by, a plethora of talking heads from the FOMC, Federal Open Market Committee, coming out and it was perfectly timed up until this Jackson Hole meeting, which is occur on Friday, to tell Wall Street that they are way too quiescent in their view that the Fed is not going to raise interest rates in 2016. They haven’t done so yet. They did once, as you know, in December of 2015. The market fell apart. And they threatened four rate hikes this year and we are now coming up to September and have no rate increases so far.

I believe they may raise once in December after the election. That all depends if the economic data turns around. If you look at what’s happened with GDP, if you look at Q4 GDP 2015, Q1 and Q2 (of this year), we are now displaying zero handles on Gross Domestic Product. And if you look at the latest data on housing, existing home sales – which is by far the much bigger portion of home sales, vis a vis, new home sales – and if you look at mortgage applications, mortgage applications are now down year-over-year and existing home sales are down year-over-year.

That says that the all-important housing market is rolling over, people cannot afford home prices, and I think after that brief blip up in data that you see in July, Q3 will also be very anemic and the data between now and the end of the year will most likely not allow the Fed to raise interest rates between now and the end of the year, but even if they go once in December, the most salient point I can make to your investors is that the central bank will be very clear that this is not part of a protracted, elongated rate hiking campaign.

In other words, they’re going to go very, very, very slowly, as they’ve evidenced so far, and the terminal point, which they call the neutral Fed Funds Rate, will be much slower than at any other time in the past. You think about in history neutral Fed Funds rates are usually 5% to 6% on the overnight lending rate. They’re at 3%, that’s their target right now, and I believe, after these next few meetings in September and December, Janet Yellen will come out and tell you that the terminal rate, the neutral target rate, is something in the neighborhood of 2%, so they’ll be lower for longer and have a much lower terminal rate. By the way, I don’t think they ever get there. As I said before, I think the economic data turns profoundly negative between one or two more rate hikes. We enter into an inverted yield curve, we enter into a fully manifested recession, and that means the Fed joins the ECB and BOJ back into quantitative easing.

Mike Gleason: Well as we begin to close here, Michael, I would certainly think that a negative real interest rate type environment is likely to continue. Sounds like maybe that’s what you’re predicting. What do you think that’s going to mean for the metals? And also, just give us your thoughts on the whole election as we move towards the election season here in November.

Michael Pento: Well first of all, I’d like to tell you that I believe that nominal rates are going to stay very low and I believe stagflation is going to be coming more and more into the fore. You’re looking at real yields, which will be moving further into negative territory. Anybody who knows anything about gold will tell you that this real and honest currency is absolutely essential during times when nominal rates are negative and real interest rates are even further negative, and that’s exactly the condition that we are headed into. If you look at nominal GDP, it’s just 2.4% year-over-year. If inflation is higher than 2.4% then we are now in a recession.

I also want to give you one more data point. I know it’s very data heavy, but that’s how I am and that’s how your audience is going to be able to grasp why it’s so essential to maintain their position in gold and in the miners. Core inflation is up 2.3% year-over-year. Real GDP is up just 1.2%. So inflation is twice as high as real GDP. That’s stagflation, that condition is going to get worse, that is going to make real interest rates even lower, and that is going to force people more and more into the protection of gold.

And I want to also touch before we end, you asked me about the election. Donald Trump is on record saying that he’s the king of debt and that he loves debt. He is also on record saying that if the U.S. ever enters into another 2008 type scenario, that we can default upon that debt. Now if you ever wanted to have another reason to own gold instead of treasuries that yield almost nothing is the fact that the nominal yield you’re getting, which is practically zero, if even that nominal yield has been threatened to be defaulted upon. So while Trump is a deficit lover, so is Clinton, who I believe will, by the way, unfortunately, win the election. So I believe both of these candidates are lovers of debt. Both of these candidates will be vastly increasing to the amount of debt deficits that we run up, which by the way, will be and must be monetized, and according to Mr. Trump, will be defaulted upon. At least he’s being honest.

Mike Gleason: Well we’ll leave it there. Excellent stuff Michael. We always appreciate your insights and thanks for being so generous with your time. As always, we really enjoy your commentaries, and on that note, if people want to both read and hear more of those from you and want to follow your work or learn more about your firm, tell them how they can do that.

Michael Pento: The website is Love to have you subscribe to my podcast. You can read my commentaries online all over the place. I’d love to be also be able to help you manage your money through this tumultuous time that we’re going through, which will get much worse.

Mike Gleason: Again, great stuff Michael. Hope you enjoy the rest of your summer. I look forward to catching up with you again soon. Hope you have a good weekend and thanks for the time today.

Michael Pento: Thank you Mr. Gleason.

Mike Gleason: Well that will wrap it up for this week. Thanks again to Michael Pento of Pento Portfolio Strategies. For more info, visit You can sign up for his email list, listen to his midweek podcast, and get his fantastic market commentaries on a regular basis.

Mike GleasonMike Gleason is a Director with Money Metals Exchange, a national precious metals dealer with over 50,000 customers. Gleason is a hard money advocate and a strong proponent of personal liberty, limited government and the Austrian School of Economics. A graduate of the University of Florida, Gleason has extensive experience in management, sales and logistics as well as precious metals investing. He also puts his longtime broadcasting background to good use, hosting a weekly precious metals podcast since 2011, a program listened to by tens of thousands each week.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Silver Prices: 3 Factors Suggest that Silver Could Skyrocket To $50.00 an Ounce

Published here:

If You Ignore Silver Prices, You Could Be Kicking Yourself Later
Pay attention to silver prices and silver mining companies if you are looking for the next big trade. The gray precious metal could soar immensely, and reward investors big-time. If you are considering the recent weakness in silver prices to be a discouraging sign, you could be making a big mistake. Think long term.

There are three factors painting a very bullish picture for silver prices.
1. Gold Rush to Give Boost to Silver Prices
Understand that silver prices have high correlation with gold.

The post Silver Prices: 3 Factors Suggest that Silver Could Skyrocket To $50.00 an Ounce appeared first on Profit Confidential.

Obama Will Leave $20 Trillion Debt Crisis For Clinton Or Trump

Published here:

President Obama is set to leave a massive near $20 trillion debt crisis for his successor - be that Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump.

The U.S. national debt reached $19.5 trillion last week and has been increasing by roughly $1 trillion a year during his Presidency and during the so called "recovery" as the U.S. government continues to spend money like a drunken sailor.

obamaPresident Obama gestures while speaking at Concord Community High School in Elkhart, Ind., on June 1, 2016. (Associated Press)

During Obama’s presidency, the total national debt has risen from $10.6 trillion to nearly $20 trillion - see Debt Clock here. There is also the not insignificant matter of the between $100 trillion and $150 trillion in unfunded liabilities - for medicare, medicaid and social security.

The U.S., like the EU and most western nations, is "kicking the can down the road." Consequently, a U.S. and global debt crisis looks likely during the term of the next President if not sooner. The Washington Times reported last week:

With federal budget deficits on the rise again, the White House Wednesday officially kicked the problem down the road to the next president.

Asked about Congressional Budget Office projections that the federal deficit will spike 33 percent this year, White House press secretary Josh Earnest cited reasons including an aging population and Republican-sponsored tax cuts.

Then he added, “There’s certainly a lot of money that can be saved, and this will be a challenge that the next president and the next Congress will have to do.”

This and the fact that neither Presidential candidate has articulated concerns about the once again ballooning national debt and is it is not an issue in the campaign is leading to well founded concerns that a new debt crisis is looming right around the corner. From the Buffalo News:

When Clinton or Trump takes the oath of office on Jan. 20, he or she will owe those investors nearly $20 trillion. Right now, the debt amounts to $60,100 for every man, woman and child in the country.

We are supposed to be in an economic recovery. Yet the debt has more than doubled from what President Obama inherited from President George W. Bush, and many times what President Bill Clinton passed on to Bush in 2000.

The debt is not a forgettable thing, such as who won the men’s 1,500-meter race at Rio. It is a monster problem. It’s Jabba the Hutt looking for meat; it’s firewood smoldering in the cellar.

The situation is not sustainable – meaning the worst kind of crisis for everybody is looming around the corner.

Investors will continue to lend to us at low interest rates only as long as they can expect regular repayment.

In personal terms, the debt bill is larger than at any time in our history other than right after World War II.

This continuing surge in the U.S. national debt to the $20 trillion level means that the U.S. is now the largest debtor nation in the world – by a significant margin. Its total debt of over $120 trillion means it is the largest debtor nation the world has ever seen.

This profligacy will be paid back by the people of the U.S., and most likely by people in all indebted western nations, in the form of higher taxes, higher interest rates, inflation, currency wars involving devaluations and almost certainly a currency crisis involving the dollar and other leading fiat currencies.

Owning gold coins and bars in your possession and owning bullion in allocated and most importantly in segregated accounts will continue to protect and grow wealth in the coming years.

GoldCore: 7 Key Storage Must HavesDownload Guide

Gold and Silver Bullion - News and Commentary

Gold inches down on steady dollar, Fed rate hike remains on cards (CNBC)

Gold in Longest Stretch of Declines Since May as Fed Bets Climb (Bloomberg)

Gold pares gains as Fed stirs doubt over rate hike timing (Reuters)

Gold posts biggest weekly decline since mid-July (MarketWatch)

Weeks of Yellen Buildup and Gold Traders Still Guessing on Rates (Bloomberg)


"I can see gold breaking up to the upside" - Gartman (CNBC)

Welcome To The Third World - Pensions Overwhelm Public Services (Goldseek)

ohn Embry Warns The ‘Deep State’ Shadow Government Is Hard At Work In Financial Markets (KingWorldNews)

Fed jawboned Friday's markets into submission  (TFMetalsReport)

The euro has destroyed the EU and led directly to Brexit (Telegraph)

Gold Prices (LBMA AM)

29Aug: Bank Holiday in UK
26Aug: USD 1,324.90, GBP 1,002.95 & EUR 1,173.33 per ounce
25Aug: USD 1,324.50, GBP 1,001.06 & EUR 1,172.98 per ounce
24Aug: USD 1,337.30, GBP 1,010.73 & EUR 1,185.38 per ounce
23Aug: USD 1,338.50, GBP 1,015.25 & EUR 1,181.09 per ounce
22Aug: USD 1,334.30, GBP 1,018.20 & EUR 1,181.26 per ounce
19Aug: USD 1,346.85, GBP 1,026.30 & EUR 1,189.67 per ounce

Silver Prices (LBMA)

29Aug: Bank Holiday in UK
26Aug: USD 18.67, GBP 14.15 & EUR 16.54 per ounce
25Aug: USD 18.50, GBP 14.02 & EUR 16.39 per ounce
24Aug: USD 18.84, GBP 14.23 & EUR 16.70 per ounce
23Aug: USD 18.98, GBP 14.40 & EUR 16.75 per ounce
22Aug: USD 18.91, GBP 14.45 & EUR 16.74 per ounce
19Aug: USD 19.42, GBP 14.80 & EUR 17.14 per ounce

Recent Market Updates

- Gold Bullion Averages Biggest Seasonal Gains in September Over Past 20 Years
- Gold Futures See Massive $1.5 Billion “Non Profit” Liquidation In “One Minute”
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- Ireland’s Biggest Bank Charging Depositors – Negative Interest Rate Madness
- Rothchilds Buying Gold On “Greatest Experiment” With Money In “History of the World”
- Gold – “Mother of All Bull Markets Has Only Just Begun” – Grandich
- 45th Anniversary Of Nixon Ending The Gold Standard
- Gold In UK Pounds Collapses 38% Versus Gold and 56% Versus Silver Year To Date
- Will Ireland Be First Country In World To See Bail-in Regime?
- Money "Madness" Negative Interest Rates Sees Gold Buying Surge
- Gold Investment Demand Reaches Record In First Half 2016 On “Perfect Storm”
- Peak Gold – Did Gold Production Peak in 2015?

Sunday, August 28, 2016

What Preppers haven't Prepped for - the big gaping hole

Published here:

Reading stories about Preppers is often more inspiring than reading about startups.  Preppers dedicate their entire life to their new way of life, as it were.  Take for example this recent article in the Washington Post about the American Redoubt:

Those migrating to the Redoubt are some of the most motivated members of what is known as the prepper movement, which advocates readiness and self-reliance in man-made or natural disasters that could create instability for years. It’s scenario-planning that is gaining adherents and becoming mainstream in what Redoubt preppers described as an era of fear and uncertainty.  They are anxious about recent terrorist attacks from Paris to San Bernardino, Calif., to Orlando; pandemics such as Ebola in West Africa; potential nuclear attacks from increasingly provocative countries such as North Korea or Iran; and the growing political, economic and racial polarization in the United States that has deepened during the 2016 presidential election.

Although the reasons for prepping are extremely varied, most dedicated preppers share several axioms of their prepping philosophy, such as:

  • Being 'off the grid' or self-reliant, for food, power, medical needs, and any needs or wants
  • Living in a secure, remote area
  • DIY mentality (Do It Yourself)
  • 6 month - 2 year supply of food and other supplies
  • Gold & Silver for if/when the financial system collapses

Before exposing the big gaping hole in the prepper's main doctrine, let's give uber-credit to this 'movement' if you want to call it that.  Although many preppers are fueled by irrational fears, and some based on a low probability, high impact event statistic (for example, a meteor several miles wide can strike the Earth, causing widespread volcanoes, earthquakes, and other end of days scenarios, but the chance of this happening in next 100 years is very low, probably 1 in 100 million); their approach towards life is very American, in fact it was this type of survivalist gusto that made America what it was originally.  The land was untamed, there were 'terrorists' (called in those days, American Indians) and Americans had to be self-reliant because well, there was no DHS to call.  If your village was attacked by Indians or the British you had to defend yourself.  There was also the chance of a lifetime - live in the West in the most beautiful property in the world basically for free - but you must do all yourself.  Pioneers, Homesteaders, Tradesmen, Industrialists, all thrived and made America what it was.  This essence seems to have been lost by the baby boomer generation that was convenience and consumer oriented (but of course, not completely).  Anyway, preppers have ushered in a new age of Americanism based on their self-reliant approach.  And many good lessons come with 'preparing' such as self-defense, making a robust plan (such as any organization, business or military should have), and keeping a stockpile of supplies in case of shortages.  The previous generation, mostly not with us anymore, would appreciate all these values.  During the war, they lived without many things.  They 'prepped' because of war.  Many preppers today will say that we are at war, it's just an information war, or assymetric war, or potential war.  Being a prepper in many ways is being smart in today's world.  Who knows what will happen tomorrow.  

The big gaping hole: FINANCIAL PREPPING

Preface this by saying that - of course - like with anything - it's not 100%.  But generally speaking, preppers have prepared for everything except for their finances.

Preppers are NOT financially prepared!

Keeping physical gold and silver is a good idea - but it isn't a panacea.  Also there are many risks associated with spending Gold and Silver such as theft, loss, and acceptance.  Maybe in certain scenarios - no one would want silver, but they may want a beer?

Yes, that's right.  If you want a real currency to use in an end times scenario, stock up on cheap whiskey and gin.  Growing Marijuana will be easy in such times (the reason it has the nickname 'weed' is because it grows like a weed), but making a still requires knowledge, time, a place which is safe and suitable, dedication, and materials.  That's just one example.  You can elaborate on this scenario with this lateral thinking.

Other items of value in end times include tools of all kinds, and specifically tools that don't run with electricity, but those too.  Dynamos, solar powered battery chargers, things like this - may be more valuable than gold or silver.  

And as gun lovers like to say:

The only real currency if society breaks down is accelerated lead.

Preppers should beef up their knowledge and understanding of the financial system.  If the system collapses, the new society will need bankers too.  An economic system must evolve, eventually.  Even if humans are living as savages, at some point as we rebuild, preppers and survivors will need bankers too.

(above: Camoflage as art, from ATL.)

To learn more about the financial system as a whole, checkout Splitting Pennies - your pocket guide to becoming a financial wizard!

Why Russia Won't Collapse

Published here:

Putin Kudrin Russia

In a column earlier this year when the oil price was falling through the $30-level, quite a few people thought that Saudi Arabia, Venezuela and Russia would crumble. The Saudi’s are still standing, Venezuela is almost falling off a cliff (and only the continuous gold sales are avoiding a bankruptcy for the time being) but Russia? Russia is still there, and the economy which was in a slow-down modus earlier this year is picking up steam again.

Indeed, even though the Russian Central Bank hiked the key interest rates halfway 2014, it took appropriate action and immediately reduced the interest rates again to give the domestic economy more oxygen, as you can see on the next image.

Russia Danske Bank 2

Source: Danske Bank

The revival is obviously closely correlated with the oil price as the wellbeing of the Russian economy depends on the export of oil. This brings hard dollars into the country’s treasury to help the Central Bank to maintain a healthy ratio of foreign currency on the balance sheet (or to buy more gold, see later).

In the second quarter of the current calendar year, the economy shrank by just 0.6% which was a better performance than what the market analysts were expecting (-0.8%), and it looks like the stabilization in June (with a 0%-change in the Gross Domestic Product) was a positive surprise for most market watchers. However, if we pull up the chart with the oil price, you can indeed see oil was gaining strength in June which does explain the excellent performance during that month.

Russia Oil


Does that mean the Russian economy is back in trouble after experiencing a weak July on the oil market? Not really. The export data will very likely come in strong, but the industrial production data from Russia seem to be still relatively weak despite a huge double-digit percentage increase in the production of machinery and equipment.

Russia Danske bank 1

Source: Danske Bank

What’s even more interesting is that the policy of the Russian boycotts against western products as a counter-measure against the imposed sanctions is having a (very!) counter-productive effect. Not only did the agricultural output increase by in excess of 3% in the first seven months of the year, the YoY performance in July was exceptionally strong with a 4.9% increase in the total produce output.

Russia Gold

Source: IMF

Despite the temporary reduction in inflowing US Dollars in the first quarter (and first half), the Central Bank continued to purchase more physical gold. Granted, you can notice a certain slowdown in the gold purchases as the most recent date (up until May of this year) indicate the central bank has purchased less than 650,000 ounces of gold, but keep in mind that still represents an investment of almost one billion dollar in a quarter wherein the country’s economy was still shrinking.

If there’s one lesson to be learnt here, it’s the lesson you should not underestimate a wounded animal. The West thought Russia would collapse or would have to sell its gold to survive the oil glut, just like Venezuela. The West thought the Russian population would revolt against the current regime if it would notice the boycotts against western products, but nothing could be further from the truth as the agricultural output is increasing, and the increasing oil price will reduce the pressure on the economy and the country’s annual budget. The budget deficit is expected to be 3% this year, but will already improve to a deficit of just 1% next year, based on a price of less than $55 per barrel of Brent oil.

>>> Be prepared for the future, and read our Guide to Gold right now!

Secular Investor offers a fresh look at investing. We analyze long lasting cycles, coupled with a collection of strategic investments and concrete tips for different types of assets. The methods and strategies are transformed into the Gold & Silver Report and the Commodity Report.

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Saturday, August 27, 2016

UNLOCKING GOLD'S TRUE VALUE: The Economic Code - Finally Revealed

Published here:


By the SRSrocco Report,

The true value of gold is much higher than the spot price quoted in the market.  This is due to several factors, but the most important reason is misunderstood by just about every economist and monetary scientist in the world today.  Those who are able to understand the information in this article, will finally be able see the value of gold (money) in a totally different way.

Unfortunately, the majority of economists and precious metal analysts look at gold in a very specialized way.  While precious metals analysts see gold as real money versus the Keynesian view of a Fiat Dollar System, both fail to grasp gold's true value.  Gold is more than a precious metal based on supply and demand.  Furthermore, the Austrian School of Economics looks at gold as a foundation of money in the procurement of goods and services.  However, gold's real value comes from energy in all forms and in all stages in its production.

The Foundation Of Gold Money:  ENERGY = GOLD = MONEY

To understand this principle, I have decided to use one of the largest gold producers in the world as an example, Newmont Mining.

According to Newmont's 2013 All-In-Sustaining-Cost for producing gold, they provided the following chart:

Newmont AISC

Now, this was a few years ago when the price of oil (energy) was higher, so with lower energy prices, costs have come down since then.  Regardless, this still provides us with a list of costs.  The main part of Newmont's sustaining costs are shown as CAS - Cost Of Sales.  That's the blue part of the bar chart, which is broken down on the right, in the circle pie-chart.

If we look at the pie-chart by itself, we see that energy comprises 20% of the total costs.  Of course, the knee-jerk reaction from a typical precious metals analyst is that energy is only 20% of Newmont's cost to produce gold.  The analyst only sees 20% energy cost because his mind has been trained to look in a superficial and specialized way.

Here is a breakdown of the CAS -Cost Of Sales pie-chart:

Newmont CAS

As we can see, diesel at 10% and power (electricity) at 10% comprises 20% of pure energy for Newmont's gold cost.  However, we must realize that labor at 50%, is also a form of energy.... it's HUMAN ENERGY.  People need to understand that science breaks down labor into work or energy.  The term Horsepower was developed from the energy of horses performing work.  Thus, human labor is a form of work, and is also a form of energy.

Now, some of the labor force gets paid more because their labor contains more experience and specialization.  For example, an experienced mechanic working on the huge earth moving machines gets paid more than another working doing regular manual labor because of the TIME & ENERGY invested in the mechanic's trade.  The mechanic spent years doing work and education which consumed one hell of a lot of energy in different forms to have 20 years experience.  Thus, the energy in labor for years of work has provided him that experience.  Which means, the amount of work-energy the mechanic has done for 20 years allows him to be paid a higher rate.

So, if we add human labor (work-energy) of 50% of the CAS cost with the 20% of diesel and power, the total is now 70%.  So, if we were going by scientific terms of doing work-energy, pure energy and labor energy comprises 70% of Newmont's cost to produce gold in its CAS- Cost Of Sales breakdown.

Okay, let's look at the remaining two categories:

     Consumables = 10%
     Materials & Parts = 20%

Newmont's uses a lot of consumables to produce gold.  Here is a list of some of Newmont's consumables provided in their 2015 Sustainability Report:

Newmont Materials Used

I decided to use lime as perfect example, because the production and transportation of lime is very energy intensive.  Again, according to a typical gold mining analyst, he places lime as a "consumable cost" and not an energy cost.  Once we look at the total process of producing and transporting lime, we will realize the overwhelming value or cost of lime is from the ENERGY in ALL FORMS and in ALL STAGES.

Here is simple diagram of the production of lime, which Newmont consumed 515,800 tonnes in 2015 to produce gold:

Lime Production Process

The lime is first mined from the ground and transported to the production plant.  This costs a lot of energy from the diesel in the truck as well as the labor-energy of the truck driver.  As the lime moves through the producing plant, it consumes a great deal of energy as electricity is needed to power the plant as well as the high-temperature Kilns that process the lime.

Here is a small section of an EPA Report on the Economic Production of Lime in the United States:

EPA Lime Cost Breakdown

As the report states, the cost of materials for producing lime is much greater than the labor... three to four times greater.  If we go back to Newmont's CAS - Cost of Sales, labor was 50%, which is half the cost, while the other half was from energy, materials and consumables.

Regardless, the largest percentage of materials used to produce lime is liquid fuels.  Furthermore, the lime industry spent $138.2 million on energy in 1996, which was 31.4% of its material cost.  I would imagine that energy cost is much higher now and accounts for an even higher percentage of total costs.

In addition, we must add the percentage of human labor to the total energy cost in producing lime.  Moreover, all the other materials used to make lime also must be viewed the same way in their production.  Even though the lime industry purchased materials to produce lime, the overwhelming value of those materials came from the energy consumed in ALL FORMS and in ALL STAGES.

Once the lime is produced, it has to be transported to Newmont's gold mines.  Lime is very heavy, so it takes a lot of energy to transport lime via ship, railroad or by truck.  Either way, the energy burned in the ship, locomotive and truck as well as the labor by the ship captain and crew, locomotive engineer or truck driver also must be added to the total cost as ENERGY.

Using lime as an example, we can see that other consumables such as cyanide, grinding materials and cement also get their value from the energy in all forms and in all stages in their production.  This is also true for the other category of "Materials & Parts."

If Newmont has to replace a large part of a system in one of their ore processing facilities, the value of that part comes from all the energy consumed in all forms and in all stages along the way.

Additional Newmont Mining Full Cycle Energy Costs Explained

Let's take a look at Newmont's All-In-Sustaining-Cost chart once more:

Newmont CAS

Okay, I just explained the first category on the bottom of the bar chart in blue, the CAS - Cost Of Sales.  Let's discuss the next category called "Sustaining Capital (in red)."

Newmont Mining spends a lot of money on sustaining capital to be able to produce gold on a continual basis.  According to their Q2 2016 financial report, they will spend between $650 and $700 million on sustaining capital in 2016.  One part of sustaining capital is "stripping costs."  This is a tremendously energy intensive activity of stripping (removing) overburden and poor quality ore.

Many of you are aware of this huge cost if you watch the show, GOLD RUSH.  If my memory serves me correctly, the team under Parker Schnabel spent something close to $500,000 to remove the overburden and move their wash plant on one of their biggest gold cuts last year in Alaska.  The majority of that cost was the diesel to power the huge earth moving machines to remove that overburden.

Basically, the stripping cost listed as "Sustainable Capital" is from the liquid energy burned and human labor.  Another energy cost found in sustainable capital is the making of new haul roads to get to the new ore cut.  This takes a huge amount of energy as loaders, haul trucks and other earth moving machines transport the rock and gravel to make these new haul roads.

If I went down the entire list of sustaining capital, the overwhelming expenditure of the $650-$700 million Newmont will spend this year will be from all the energy in all forms and in all stages.

Another category not included here is regular "Capital Expenditures."  This would include purchasing a new one of these massive haul trucks below:


This is the Caterpillar 797F that costs $5 million.  If we went on the same journey as we did when I explained the cost to produce lime, we would find out that the overwhelming value of that massive CAT 797F comes from all the ENERGY in ALL FORMS and in ALL STAGES.

Hell, the huge tires for the CAT 797F, that cost $40,000 a piece, each contain nearly 2,000 pounds of steel, enough to build two small cars and enough rubber to make 600 tires to put on them.

Again, according to the gold mining analysts, they list the Caterpillar 797F as a capital expenditure.  However, if we look through the entire ENERGY MATRIX, we now see that what Newmont purchased as a CAT 797F haul truck, is again.... all the energy in all forms and in all stages in its production.

If we consider the last few categories in Newmont's All-In-Sustaining-Cost bar chart of Exploration-Advanced Projects, General & Administration and Other, we can apply the same energy logic.  It takes a lot of energy to explore for gold as well as advancing new gold mining projects.  Not only does it take the burning of a lot of energy to explore and advance projects for gold mining, there is also a lot of human labor (manual & experienced), materials and parts to consider in the total process.

Unfortunately, most people have been programmed to compartmentalize everything today.  They see most things separately and are not able to understand how energy gives value to the majority of goods and services in the world today.  They just see the end result and believe that it magically appeared on the storeroom shelf.  I would assure you that the value of most goods sitting on the shelves in the thousands of Walmarts across the country were derived from ENERGY, in all forms and in all stages.

While Newmont is showing on its balance sheet that it purchased, lime, materials or equipment, it really purchased a great deal of energy that was consumed in their production.

There are several other items that Newmont has to dish out money to be in the business of producing gold, such as interest expense and taxes to name a few.  I would imagine someone reading this article would be quick to blurt out that interest expenses and taxes are not energy.  Well, that might be true if we look at them in a superficial way, but most taxes go to pay the governments to maintain roads, infrastructure, public buildings and government employees that function as a necessary part of our highly complex society.

Thus, the government spends a lot of money on energy as well as human labor to maintain roads and infrastructure.  So, if we really expand our ENERGY MATRIX horizons, we would see that ENERGY is the main driver that comprises the value of most goods and services in the world today... including GOLD.

The Strategic Importance Of ENERGY = GOLD = MONEY

Hundreds of years ago, the prize by empires was obtaining gold and silver.  This was especially true for the Spanish Empire and its leading role in the world at the time due to its ability to acquire massive amounts of gold and silver from South America and Mexico.

During the 1500's when the Spaniards were using Aztecs as slaves to loot gold and silver from their lands, the energy source at the time was mainly human and animal labor.  To build the massive Spanish Armada that was destroyed or then sunk by a huge storm in 1588, it took a great deal of human and animal labor.

Spanish Armada

(courtesy of Wikipedia)

Furthermore, according to this source, On May 28th 1588, the Armada, with around 130 ships, 8,000 sailors and 18,000 soldiers, 1,500 brass guns and 1,000 iron guns, set sail from Lisbon, Portugal, headed for the English Channel.  The Spanish were able to amass such a large fleet of ships, crew and armaments due to massive amount of gold and (especially) silver they plundered from South America and Mexico.

According to the Historical World Silver Production 1492-1927, the Spaniards produced over 90 million oz of silver from 1521-1600 in Mexico alone.  They started mining silver in Zacatecas, Mexico in 1540, the region where the largest primary silver miner in the world, Fresnillo is currently producing silver.

Furthermore, the Spanish opened large-scale mines in Peru, in the land of the Incas.  From 1533 to 1600, over 94 million oz of silver were produced.  As we can see, the Spanish became the leading empire on the globe due to their ability to amass the largest hoard of silver on the planet at the time.

Well, this all changed in the early 1900's when the top oil barons realized the value of money would come from oil and no longer from just human and animal labor.  This is why the top oil companies decided to carve up the globe in the early 1900's and work with each other to control, extract, and sell the most important energy source to world.

Oil was also the main reason why Hitler decided to attack Russia in World War 2.  He needed the oil to continue with his plans of Nazi expansion.  Instead of using gold or silver, Hitler needed oil.. and badly.

Germany attacks Russia

According to this source on Germany & Oil:

At the outbreak of the war, Germany’s stockpiles of fuel consisted of a total of 15 million barrels. The campaigns in Norway, Holland, Belgium, and France added another 5 million barrels in booty, and imports from the Soviet Union accounted for 4 million barrels in 1940 and 1.6 million barrels in the first half of 1941. Yet a High Command study in May of 1941 noted that with monthly military requirements for 7.25 million barrels and imports and home production of only 5.35 million barrels, German stocks would be exhausted by August 1941.


The 26 percent shortfall could only be made up with petroleum from Russia. The need to provide the lacking 1.9 million barrels per month and the urgency to gain possession of the Russian oil fields in the Caucasus mountains, together with Ukrainian grain and Donets coal, were thus prime elements in the German decision to invade the Soviet Union in June 1941.

Here we can see that Hitler gained five million barrels of much-needed oil from Norway, Holland, Belgium and France  to be able to attack Russia.  I have read some accounts that Russia was the REAL PRIZE for Hitler and the Nazi's.  Which is why they used their lightning-speed Blitzkrieg Warfare on the Western European countries to consume as little fuel as necessary while acquiring the necessary petrol to attack Russia.

When the United States entered into World War 2, it was just a matter of time before the Germans were beaten.  The U.S. was the Saudi Arabia at the time and was providing most of the oil to the allies.  It was the huge reserves of oil and natural resources that propelled the United States to becoming the leading empire in the world.

Unfortunately, the United States peaked in cheap oil production in 1970.  One year later, Nixon dropped the Dollar-Gold peg.  How ironic... aye?  Then of course we had the Arab oil embargo in 1973 and Iranian oil crisis of 1978 which pushed the price of oil from $1.80 a barrel in 1970 to $31 by 1979.  This had a profound impact on the price of gold and silver as they skyrocketed during that decade.

However, over the next 45 years, clever bankers on Wall Street, London and etc, have hoodwinked investors into putting their surplus funds into paper assets which have become the GREATEST PONZI SCHEME in history.

This paper ponzi scheme can only work on RISING OIL PRODUCTION.  Again, the greatest ponzi scheme in history can only work on rising oil production.  Furthermore, it can only work on rising CHEAP oil production.  Unfortunately, the world has peaked in cheap oil production a decade ago.  We are filling in the gaps with very expensive oil production that the world cannot afford without the massive increase of debt.

According to the work by the Hills Group and Louis Arnoux, they believe an OIL PEARL HARBOR will take place by the end of the decade:

Oil Pearl Harbor

They don't see a rising oil price in the future, rather they believe it will fall as the available net energy to the market will continue to decline.  They also believe the economic principle of supply and demand will no longer function as a "Thermodynamic Collapse" of oil will take place.

With rapidly falling oil production, the $250 trillion in total world assets of Stocks, Bonds, Real Estate and Insurance Funds will be in big trouble.  Thus, investor fleeing rapidly falling paper assets and Real Estate will move into gold (and silver) to protect wealth.

Energy has been the key driver for the value of gold and silver for thousands of years.  For the majority of our history, the energy has come from human and animal labor.  However, as coal, then oil came in the picture, this changed the dynamics considerably.  With the peak of inexpensive global oil production, the world is about to experience one hell of a FINANCIAL CALAMITY.  Very few people are prepared for what is coming.

With the understanding that most goods and services in the world are based upon all the ENERGY in ALL FORMS and in ALL STAGES, things are about to get very interesting.  Some believe falling energy production will depress the price of gold.  This is an incorrect assumption

Due to the massive funneling of the world's funds into paper assets over the past 45 years, this has artificially lowered the value of gold (and silver).  Once the world wakes up to the fact that they are invested in ENERGY IOU's, investors will move into physical gold to protect wealth as oil production declines in earnest.

We have a new series at the SRSrocco Report site, called WELCOME TO THE CONVERSATION where we discuss new topics about energy, mining, precious metals and the economy:

Lastly, if you haven't checked out our new PRECIOUS METALS INVESTING section or our new LOWEST COST PRECIOUS METALS STORAGE page, I highly recommend you do.

Check back for new articles and updates at the SRSrocco Report.

Meditation May Be the Key to Becoming a Better Investor

Published here:

Every once in a while I write about topics that seemingly have nothing to do with investing, but for those that are able to connect the dots, they will actually find great value in these seemingly unrelated topics to wealth building and preservation strategies. As it is the weekend, I'm releasing an article that we originally posted on our website  about the topic of meditation and investing on 19 August 2016. Again, to first read our articles when we release them, subscribe to our article feed here. Here is the entire article below.


Recently, I wrote about a behavioral phenomenon called the “It Won’t Happen to Me” syndrome that prevents many of us from separating perceived reality from actual reality, and I discussed how acceptance of false precepts about investing and self-preservation can lead us to make wildly irresponsible decisions that are dangerous to our self-preservation, including decisions to do nothing when one should act. One of the easiest things we can do on a daily basis that won’t cost us a penny, yet can help us achieve a tremendous level of clarity that allows us to separate the false paradigms and precepts that we have often already embraced from the staggeringly different reality that often exists, is the simple practice of meditation.


There are many different forms of mediation, including Zazen, Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), Kundalini Yoga, Vipassana meditation, and Transcendental Meditation (TM), just to name a few. I recommend TM or MBSR because it has been scientifically proven, in peer reviewed studies published in accredited medical journals, that one does not even need to believe in the beneficial effects of TM and MBSR to reap the beneficial rewards of practicing these forms of meditation. Though I’ve read a few articles and books about TM over the course of my lifetime, I personally believe that there are sufficient resources online to at least start practicing now. The important part of the equation is to start today, and to stop procrastinating. If you feel you need an instructor down the road, then you can seek out a local instructor down the road, but it certainly is not necessary, in my opinion, to spend thousands of dollars to receive a personal mantra from a maharishi, as is sometimes recommended, or to even spend hundreds of dollars taking an intensive course, whether online or in person, to receive the benefits of a daily meditative practice.


When I was younger and intensely training in martial arts as well as sparring regularly, my sensei would begin every class with a brief 5 minute period of Zazen meditation in which he would ask all of us to release all the work stresses that may have accumulated in our body from work conflicts experienced earlier in the day, to empty our mind to allow it to be receptive to learning whatever techniques we were focusing on that day, and to calm our mind to increase our focus during our training and sparring sessions. No matter how stressful any work matters I had dealt with earlier in the day had been, I always felt much better even after such a brief period of meditation. In fact, my Sensei encouraged all of us to meditate daily, so also supplemented this brief 5-minute period of meditation with a longer 15 to 20 minute daily session before I went to sleep each day.


However, back then, because I was unaware of the scientific research regarding meditation, I never connected the dots even though I had some remarkable experiences that I now attribute to my daily meditative practice. I can clearly recall one sparring session with a Muay Thai boxer during which everything seemed to be moving in slow motion, whereby I could sense every kick and every knee a fraction of a second before my sparring partner delivered them. However, each time, I easily moved out of the way or blocked his strikes. I literally felt as if my sparring fighter could not hit me. Another time, when engaged in a training session, I informed my Sensei before class that I had a fever, so I asked him to forgive me that day if I was a little slow in reacting to my training partners. In fact, just the opposite happened, and I was so sharp that day with my techniques that my Sensei sarcastically commented, “You should be sick every day!”


Later that evening, when I was trying to fathom the reason for my exceptional training session, I deduced that my better-than-normal display of skill that day was attributable to the fact that my sickness stopped me from thinking and put my muscle memory entirely in charge. In other words, my primordial instincts took over, allowing my “flow”, my “chi”, or whatever you want to call it, to be particularly strong that day. I felt a certain stillness that day when training that seemed to heighten all my senses, including my intuition, whereby I could predict my opponent’s strikes before he even threw them, very similar to my sparring session with the Muay Thai boxer. It’s odd that many people view people that practice daily meditation as “soft”, as I discovered that not only did daily meditation make me a much better fighter, but it also served to calm any fears and anxiety I had prior to, and during, my sparring sessions.


In fact athletes often call this state of mind as “being in the zone”. I’m sure fans of basketball can recall the 1997 NBA finals game between the Chicago Bulls and the Utah Jazz, when Michael Jordan had the flu and was so sick that he couldn’t even stay upright on the bench. Despite his weakened physical condition, Jordan still dropped 38 points on the Jazz, in a virtuoso performance in which every point he scored was critical in an eventual 2-point win for the Bulls. Again, with Jordan that day, I think his physical disadvantage that day forced him to rely more on the mental aspects of the game, and this allowed him to more easily enter the “zone.”


And this zone is something that meditation replicates. Many people mistakenly assume that great ideas come from relentless work habits and an indomitable work discipline, but just the opposite is true. When someone is so tired from relentless work, there is no energy from which creativity and great ideas can be born. Great ideas are born during those moments when the mind is still and the clarity exists to formulate new and creative ideas. If the concept that ideas are born out of nothingness and spaces of calmness and clarity seems foreign to you, then allow me to use an analogy of physical fitness. There is a concept in professional sports called overtraining. This is when someone, whether a sprinter, a UFC fighter, a football player, or a soccer player, trains so relentlessly for such a long period of time that he does not allow his muscles to adequately heal and recover from his training sessions. When an athlete overtrains, this inevitably leads to sub-optimal performance during a fight or a game.


If you are a workaholic, and the days blend into weeks, weeks into months, and months into years, and you never giver your mind adequate time to rest, chances are that you are going to have a mental breakdown. Furthermore, chances are that even though you give your mind time to rest during sleep, because you never refresh your mind with a period of calm and clarity during the day, that you may even suffer from frequent periods of insomnia. Can you imagine exercising every day for all hours you are awake, except meals, without every stopping? Most everyone would agree that this type of extreme unrelenting physical exertion is dangerous as it will lead to an eventual breakdown of the body and collapse. However, most people fail to take care of their mind in the same way they would their physical body. If you don’t give your mind ample opportunity to reset every day with a sustained period of calm, then eventually you are going to damage your mind.


Fortunately, just two 20-minute daily meditation sessions a day can cure this damage and even reverse the damage that has already been done. In fact, if you are one of those people that toss and turn all night and can’t shut off your mind, then you are an ideal candidate to start a daily meditation practice. According to Dr. Rebecca Robbins, a post-doctoral fellow at the NYU School of Medicine, meditation calms the mind to such a degree that its restorative effects can be greater than even deep stages of sleep. Robbins states that daily mediation offers some of the same benefits, cognitively and physically, from a recovery and a regeneration standpoint as stage-IV deep sleep. In fact, Robbins herself stated that she never was able to reach restful stages of sleep at night until she started meditating.


There are many peer-reviewed scientific studies that validate the following findings, but UCLA and Harvard studies are just two of many conducted studies that have proven the following. A daily meditation practice increases the grey matter volume in the brain, increases cortical thickness in the hippocampus, the region of the brain that governs learning and memory, and decreases the volume of the brain in the amygdala, the region of the brain responsible for producing fear, anxiety and stress. Many moons ago, when I was preparing to enter business school, I recall only having 2 weeks to study for the GREs (the graduate business school entrance exam) during a holiday break as I was already enrolled in another graduate program. Though many may believe 2 weeks to be an inadequate period of time to study for any scholastic exam, whether it is the GREs or another graduate level program exam, my daily meditation sessions provided me with great focus and memory retention for those two weeks and I felt surprisingly more than adequately prepared by the time the exam day arrived.


I credit my meditation sessions for my ability to respectively score in the very top percentiles of everyone that took the GRE exam in the entire United States that year, with only two weeks of preparation. And this is the power of meditation. I have seen it work in my own life with great success in my martial arts training, my scholastic endeavors and my current business of SmartKnowledgeU. I only wish that I had understood the benefits more fully back when I was mentoring at-risk youth in Philly and when I was mentoring gang members in Los Angeles. Had I more fully understood the benefits of meditation back then, I would have started every one of my mentoring sessions with them with a period of meditation, as I truly believe that meditation would have allowed me to break through to many more of them.


If all the above data does not provide enough compelling evidence to convince you that meditation will provide much more heightened levels of clarity that lead to better and more profitable investment decisions, and thus compel you to start meditating, then perhaps this last reason will do so. Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn, who won the 2009 Nobel Prize in medicine for her discovery of protective caps on chromosomes called telomeres, studied the effects of meditation on the length of telomeres. Blackburn reported that there was scientifically significant increases in the length of telomeres among those that meditated on a regular basis versus those that never meditated. Why is this important? Scientific studies have reported that people with longer telomeres have also demonstrated better cognitive ability, improved overall health, higher levels of satisfaction with life, and have had longer lives, than those with shorter telomeres.


At the very least, if everyone were to meditate twice a day for just 20 minutes per session, even if you have no desire to gain the inevitable clarity that will transform you into a better investor, the other extraordinary benefits of meditation are sufficient reason to do so, as they will benefit every other aspect of your life. As a result of more people practicing meditation, the world would transform into a kinder, more compassionate world with less angry people, and that is a development that none of us should ever oppose.


Fun fact of the day: According to Victor Hugo Criado Berbert, production manager of the 2016 Rio Olympic medals, the gold medals, though they each weighed 500 grams, only contained about 5.84 grams of gold. However, the “gold” medals each contained 494.16g of silver, making them by weight, by value, and by price, a gold-plated silver medal in reality. At today’s respective prices for a 1-troy ounce American Gold and Silver Eagle coin, the gold and silver contained in each gold medal would be priced at $266.07 of gold and $364.63 of silver for a total price of $630.70, assuming that the gold and silver used in the fabrication of the medals are 99.99% fine, which I haven’t been able to confirm. That’s a lot of training for a “gold” medal that doesn’t even contain 1/5 of a single troy ounce of gold and that, by every possible measurement metric, should truly be called a silver metal. That's also a lot of deception to cheat the "gold" medal winners out of a metal, that according to Warren Buffet and Bill Gates, is just a barbarous relic.




About the author: JS Kim is the Founder and Managing Director of SmartKnowledgeU, a fiercely independent wealth management consulting, research and education firm that focuses on building unique strategies centered around gold and silver assets to build a better tomorrow for everyone. We are excited to announce that we will be launching our SmartKnowledge Wealth Academy very soon. To receive two sample issues of our flagship Crisis Investment Opportunities newsletter, just send a request to ciotrial(at)smartknowledgeu(dot)com.