Sunday, August 28, 2016

What Preppers haven't Prepped for - the big gaping hole

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Reading stories about Preppers is often more inspiring than reading about startups.  Preppers dedicate their entire life to their new way of life, as it were.  Take for example this recent article in the Washington Post about the American Redoubt:

Those migrating to the Redoubt are some of the most motivated members of what is known as the prepper movement, which advocates readiness and self-reliance in man-made or natural disasters that could create instability for years. It’s scenario-planning that is gaining adherents and becoming mainstream in what Redoubt preppers described as an era of fear and uncertainty.  They are anxious about recent terrorist attacks from Paris to San Bernardino, Calif., to Orlando; pandemics such as Ebola in West Africa; potential nuclear attacks from increasingly provocative countries such as North Korea or Iran; and the growing political, economic and racial polarization in the United States that has deepened during the 2016 presidential election.

Although the reasons for prepping are extremely varied, most dedicated preppers share several axioms of their prepping philosophy, such as:

  • Being 'off the grid' or self-reliant, for food, power, medical needs, and any needs or wants
  • Living in a secure, remote area
  • DIY mentality (Do It Yourself)
  • 6 month - 2 year supply of food and other supplies
  • Gold & Silver for if/when the financial system collapses

Before exposing the big gaping hole in the prepper's main doctrine, let's give uber-credit to this 'movement' if you want to call it that.  Although many preppers are fueled by irrational fears, and some based on a low probability, high impact event statistic (for example, a meteor several miles wide can strike the Earth, causing widespread volcanoes, earthquakes, and other end of days scenarios, but the chance of this happening in next 100 years is very low, probably 1 in 100 million); their approach towards life is very American, in fact it was this type of survivalist gusto that made America what it was originally.  The land was untamed, there were 'terrorists' (called in those days, American Indians) and Americans had to be self-reliant because well, there was no DHS to call.  If your village was attacked by Indians or the British you had to defend yourself.  There was also the chance of a lifetime - live in the West in the most beautiful property in the world basically for free - but you must do all yourself.  Pioneers, Homesteaders, Tradesmen, Industrialists, all thrived and made America what it was.  This essence seems to have been lost by the baby boomer generation that was convenience and consumer oriented (but of course, not completely).  Anyway, preppers have ushered in a new age of Americanism based on their self-reliant approach.  And many good lessons come with 'preparing' such as self-defense, making a robust plan (such as any organization, business or military should have), and keeping a stockpile of supplies in case of shortages.  The previous generation, mostly not with us anymore, would appreciate all these values.  During the war, they lived without many things.  They 'prepped' because of war.  Many preppers today will say that we are at war, it's just an information war, or assymetric war, or potential war.  Being a prepper in many ways is being smart in today's world.  Who knows what will happen tomorrow.  

The big gaping hole: FINANCIAL PREPPING

Preface this by saying that - of course - like with anything - it's not 100%.  But generally speaking, preppers have prepared for everything except for their finances.

Preppers are NOT financially prepared!

Keeping physical gold and silver is a good idea - but it isn't a panacea.  Also there are many risks associated with spending Gold and Silver such as theft, loss, and acceptance.  Maybe in certain scenarios - no one would want silver, but they may want a beer?

Yes, that's right.  If you want a real currency to use in an end times scenario, stock up on cheap whiskey and gin.  Growing Marijuana will be easy in such times (the reason it has the nickname 'weed' is because it grows like a weed), but making a still requires knowledge, time, a place which is safe and suitable, dedication, and materials.  That's just one example.  You can elaborate on this scenario with this lateral thinking.

Other items of value in end times include tools of all kinds, and specifically tools that don't run with electricity, but those too.  Dynamos, solar powered battery chargers, things like this - may be more valuable than gold or silver.  

And as gun lovers like to say:

The only real currency if society breaks down is accelerated lead.

Preppers should beef up their knowledge and understanding of the financial system.  If the system collapses, the new society will need bankers too.  An economic system must evolve, eventually.  Even if humans are living as savages, at some point as we rebuild, preppers and survivors will need bankers too.

(above: Camoflage as art, from ATL.)

To learn more about the financial system as a whole, checkout Splitting Pennies - your pocket guide to becoming a financial wizard!


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