Thursday, March 31, 2016

Silver Prices: This 1 Data Point Shows Silver Prices Could Skyrocket

Published here:

Here's Why Silver Prices Could Soar
If you are discouraged by the recent fluctuations in silver prices, know that the gray precious metal remains one of the best-performing assets of 2016—and there could be much more upside ahead.

It is astonishing to see how no one is willing to pay any attention to consumer demand for silver. In the mainstream, we are told everything but how there’s a “silver rush,” in progress. Investors are buying the precious metal despite where silver prices stand.

Let me explain...

To see how investors are reacting to silver’s.

The post Silver Prices: This 1 Data Point Shows Silver Prices Could Skyrocket appeared first on Profit Confidential.

Fixing the Silver Fix : the Corruption Continues

Published here:





Fixing the Silver Fix : the Corruption Continues

Written by Jeff Nielson (CLICK FOR ORIGINAL)




Fixing the Silver Fix : the Corruption Continues - Jeff Nielson




My name is Tommy Flanagan, and I’m a member of Pathological Liars Anonymous. In fact…I’m the president of that organization. Yeah, that’s who I am.

I didn’t always lie. No, I used to tell the truth. Then one day I told a lie, and I got away with it. Yeah, I told my parents that I had a brother that they had never met… 

-Jon-the-Liar Lovitz, The Johnny Carson Show, March 28, 1985

As the character Jon Lovitz explained on The Johnny Carson Show, lying is habit-forming. If perpetuated, it becomes compulsive conduct. Lying is a form of deviant behavior that (in the eyes of the liar) makes problems go away. Of course such problems never disappear permanently, because a lie can never solve anything. At some point the problem resurfaces, and because it never was addressed, often the problem has grown even larger.

The response from the liar is to tell another lie. But, because the problem is now almost inevitably larger, the new lie tends to be bigger or worse than the original. The process repeats. As the lies become larger and more numerous, eventually some of the new lies begin to openly contradict the old lies.

At this point, the proverbial “jig is up” for the liar. At least that is how things are supposed to work, as illustrated by the fable The Boy Who Cried Wolf. Which brings us to the “silver fix.” 

The most obvious starting point is a question: why do we need a “silver fix”? In an era of electronic, instantaneous communication, and with (supposedly) “free and open markets,” why do we need someone to tell us what the price of silver is supposed to be at a particular moment in time? Why can’t market participants simply observe for themselves the current spot-price in our “free and open markets”?

The bankers (playing the role of Jon-the-Liar) have their answer at the ready.

We need an official “fix” of the price of silver, because the settlement of a number of a different types of contracts is based upon the prevailing price of silver, at particular times in the daily trading. If we didn’t have an official “fix,” then traders could attempt to manipulate the price at those particular times, and cheat the system. That’s right, someone else could cheat the system.

How would “fixing” the price of silver (a process which even sounds corrupt) help to prevent corruption in the marketplace? The Liars again have their answer. 

We’ll get some 'honest people' to tell us what the price of silver should be. These 'honest people' will meet behind closed doors, and then tell us the honest price for silver. Yeah, that’s the ticket! Honest people, meeting behind closed doors.

And thus 'the silver fix' was born. Who were these 'honest people' who were going to provide us with the honest price for silver via their secret meetings?

As regular readers know, the Big Banks of the West have been convicted of every form of financial crime in the books, most involving fraud (i.e. lying) in one form or another. The only reason that these fraud-factories haven’t been convicted of far more crimes is because our corrupt governments have erased many of our former laws and simply stopped enforcing many others.

The Pathological Liars were handed the responsibility of providing us with the honest price for silver. But wait, it gets better. The silver fix was supposedly created to prevent corruption in the silver market. However, not only are the Pathological Liars allowed to trade in the same market where they are providing this quasi-regulatory function, but they are by far the largest traders in these markets.

The Pathological Liars, who have the largest financial motive to rig the price of silver, are the people to whom we handed the responsibility of providing us with the honest price for silver. This is not merely a matter of “putting the Fox in charge of the henhouse.” Rather, putting the hungriest fox we could possibly find in charge of protecting the hens.

However, we were told for many, many years that this system worked just fine. Then one day the Pathological Liars themselves told us that the silver fix was no longer working. Of course this was far less than a voluntary admission. Instead, it came as a consequence of several of the Pathological Liars being sued for – surprise, surprise – manipulating the silver fix.

The bankers, as always, had their next lie ready.

We’ll fix the silver fix, and make it better than ever. That’s the ticket!

And so, we got the bankers new-and-improved silver fix. How was it “improved”? The particular Pathological Liars who were being sued for manipulating the silver fix would no longer be involved in “fixing the fix.” Instead, only those Pathological Liars who were not being directly sued would be allowed to provide us with the honest price for silver.

Then January 28th, 2016 rolled around, and Bloomberg Media released the following:

A daily silver price used as a benchmark by traders, miners, and jewelers risks losing credibility with investors after it was set beyond levels traded on the market. One said the system seemed “broken” and another that clients had adopted alternatives.

The London Bullion Market Association Silver price was set at $13.58 an ounce Thursday, 3.5 percent less than the intraday low on the Comex in New York.

That came from the mainstream media, meaning that (at most) it contains half the truth. Here is what was left out. The phony “honest price” produced by Pathological Liars Anonymous on January 28 th was not merely 3.5% less than the intra-day low. It was 6% below the current price.

Also conveniently omitted by the mainstream media was the significance of that date, which was the “options expiry day” in the futures market. All of the options trading for that month was settled based on the price set by the silver fix on January 28 sup>th – the “honest price” produced by the Pathological Liars. This means that all of the options traders who would have cashed in if the honest price reflected the actualprice of silver were, instead, blatantly cheated out of their rightful gain.

When Bloomberg and other mainstream propaganda outlets reported that some traders accused the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) of operating a “broken” system, it was referring to some of those cheated options traders. What was also omitted was that the silver fix tended to conveniently dip below the actual price of silver on most option-expiry days.

Prior to January 28th the Pathological Liars had not engaged in the fraudulent rigging of the silver fix in such blatant terms, not even before the fix was “fixed” the first time. But even more troubling was the latter part of the quote from Bloomberg: “ …clients had adopted alternatives.”

The Pathological Liars lie to us (among other reasons) for profit. If market participants choose to simply tune out the Pathological Liars, then they could “fix” the silver fix at any fraudulent, outrageous price they chose, but there would be no profit in doing so. You can’t cheat the other children if they won’t play in your sandbox.

Alarmed, Pathological Liars Anonymous called another meeting, where the bankers in attendance quickly cobbled together their next lie that would have gone something like this:

We’ll “fix” the silver fix…again, and this time, it will really be better than ever!

Thus, now the Pathological Liars have presented their new new-and-improved silver fix, designed to replace the old new-improved silver fix, which was only put into place last year. What did the Liars do to make the new-new fix better than the old-new fix?

The first of the new measures is the introduction of a blind auction. The aggregate bid and offer volumes will no longer be disclosed during the auction round. This information will only be made available after the end of each round.

The second measure is a “sharing of the imbalance” in the auction. In other words, after the auction is complete, the remaining buy and sell orders will be equally shared among the participants.

Finally, the calculation agent will now be able to increase the imbalance threshold during the auction within an approved range.

In short, today the CME Group and Thomson Reuters (the other Pathological Liar associated with this particular fraud) announced that they are taking action to prevent it from being extraordinarily easy for the Pathological Liars to manipulate the silver fix. They are doing some of the things they should have done when they fixed-the-fix the first time, if they had actually wanted to make the system less corrupt.

Why continue this farce at all? Why would the Pathological Liars risk shredding their near-zero credibility even further? Why not put to death this now thoroughly exposed financial fraud? Why don’t the Pathological Liars content themselves with their 24/7 manipulation of silver trading, in their paper “bullion” markets, which as everyone knows, are already more than 99% paper, and less than 1% bullion?

It’s all about control. Clients had adopted alternatives. These are words which strike fear and hatred into the hearts of the Pathological Liars, such as only a few other words or phrases in the English language are capable of doing. Words like “competition” and “law enforcement.”



Please email with any questions about this article or precious metals HERE




Fixing the Silver Fix : the Corruption Continues

Written by Jeff Nielson (CLICK FOR ORIGINAL)




Wednesday, March 30, 2016

World’s Largest Asset Manager Likes “Inflation Linked Bonds and Gold As Diversifiers”

Published here:

BlackRock Inc. have joined Pacific Investment Management Co. (PIMCO) in recommending inflation linked bonds and gold, warning costs are poised to pick up and there is a growing risk of inflation.

“We like inflation-linked bonds and gold as diversifiers” said New York-based BlackRock which is the world’s largest asset manager, managing $4.6 trillion, reported Bloomberg.




“Stabilizing oil prices and a tighter labor market could contribute to rising actual, and expected, U.S. inflation,” Richard Turnill, BlackRock’s global chief investment strategist, wrote Monday on the company’s website.

“If you look at inflation expectations as they are reflected in the bond market we think they are too low,” Joachim Fels, global economic adviser for Pimco said in an interview on Bloomberg Television. “We still think markets are pricing in too low a profile for inflation. We don’t think inflation will move significantly above central bank’s targets, but we think that there’s a good chance that over the next 12 months or so, particularly in the U.S., that we will get back to 2 percent.”

“We like Treasury Inflation Protected Securities,” Pimco’s Worah said in a video on the company’s website this month. “The market is pricing 1 percent inflation in the U.S. for next year. We think it’s likely to be closer to 2 percent.”

“We may well at present be seeing the first stirrings of an increase in the inflation rate — something that we would like to happen,” Stanley Fischer, vice chairman of the Fed Board of Governors, said this month.

PIMCO already recommend owning gold as part of diversified portfolios. In 2013 they introduced a ‘Multi Real Asset Strategy’ specifically created to tackle “inflation risk”.

“The strategy tactically invests in multiple inflation-sensitive asset classes, allocating across a broad opportunity set of real assets, including global inflation-linked bonds, commodities, real estate, currencies and gold …  Gold has characteristics of both a commodity that is easily stored for a long period of time and a currency whose supply is limited.”


Gold Prices (LBMA)
30 Mar: USD 1,238.20, EUR 1,094.12 and GBP 860.23 per ounce
29 Mar: USD 1,216.45, EUR 1,087.71 and GBP 853.04 per ounce
24 Mar: USD 1,216.45, EUR 1,088.75 and GBP 861.89 per ounce
23 Mar: USD 1,232.20, EUR 1,101.76 and GBP 870.03 per ounce
22 Mar: USD 1,251.80, EUR 1,117.35 and GBP 876.96 per ounce

Silver Prices (LBMA)
30 Mar: USD , EUR and GBP per ounce (Released at 1200 GMT)
29 Mar: USD 15.06, EUR 13.44 and GBP 10.56 per ounce
24 Mar: USD 15.28, EUR 13.70 and GBP 10.82 per ounce
23 Mar: USD 15.58, EUR 13.92 and GBP 10.99 per ounce
22 Mar: USD 15.89, EUR 14.16 and GBP 11.12 per ounce

Gold News and Commentary

Gold Bulls Cheer Yellen Caution With More `Easy Money’ Predicted (Bloomberg)

Dovish Yellen, softer dollar support gold near $1,240 (Reuters)

Spot gold jumps after Fed signals cautiousness (Reuters)

Russia becomes world’s top gold buyer (Russia Today)

Russia Adds $6 Billion to Its Gold Reserves in a Week (Sputnik News)


Rickards: Why Gold Is Going To $10,000 (Hedgeye)

HSBC: Gold is a highly regarded asset – Audio (Bloomberg)

Ed Butowsky: Calculating The True Cost of Living (Peak Prosperity via Youtube)

Buying gold in 2016 is like buying stocks in 1941 (Marketwatch)

Pensions Timebomb – Europe’s Predicament (WSJ)

Read More Here



‘7 Real Risks To Your Gold Ownership’ – Must Read Gold Guide Here

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The Most Powerful Weapon Ever – Gold, Uranium, Pen?

Published here:



Hold your real assets outside of the banking system in one of many private international facilities  --> 



The Most Powerful Weapon Ever – Gold, Uranium, Pen?

Posted with permission and written by Rory Hall, The Daily Coin (CLICK FOR ORIGINAL)


Marin Katusa: The Most Powerful Weapon Ever – Gold, Uranium, Pen? - The Daily Coin


We have the power and the weaponry to change every community, every state and the entire nation without ever firing a single bullet. How is this possible?

Whenever a person, anywhere in the world, exchanges their fiat currency for gold or silver coins or bars, they are “firing a shot” at that currency. Gold is “the money of Kings” and silver is “the money of Gentlemen”. Gold and silver have been money for thousands of years and no amount of market rigging, made up rules or government intervention will change this law of man. People around the world still conduct business using gold and silver as a medium of exchange. Simply because gold, in particular, is not used on a large scale and we are continually told that gold is a “ pet rock” or held by Central Banks as a “tradition” this is not the case. Gold and silver have value and worth. To acquire them from the source builds into them a certain amount of value. The labor, the time and various resources used to acquire these precious metals goes into every ounce pulled out of the ground. If gold is a “pet rock” or a “tradition” then why is there so much secrecy surrounding gold held at Central Banks? Why does the Federal Reserve, in conjunction with the U.S. Treasury, refuse to conduct an audit of OUR gold? The gold held at Fort Knox and the New York Federal Reserve, that is assigned to the Federal Reserve System, belongs to the people of the United States. If gold is nothing more than a tradition, audits are also a tradition that every responsible person does on a regular basis. Who among us doesn’t audit (balance) their checking account regularly? Who among us doesn’t audit their personal belongs of every type? Ever go through your closet, clean it out and donate the clothes, shoes, whatever to charity? It’s that an audit?

Every gram of gold or silver you acquire using fiat currency effectively removes that many “dollars” from the current financial and economic system. What you have done is removed those “dollars” from the hands of government. They now have fewer “dollars” to use to purchase weapons of war, surveillance technology and the other weapons they use against us. Today would be a good day to remove a few “dollars” from their hands and place another weapon in your back pocket. Gold and silver are free from tyranny, accepted around the world in good faith and provides a piece of insurance from, what appears to be, a system in change.

Marin Katusa, Katusa Research, and I were able to sit down and discuss gold, silver and mining. What happened was much more than I could have imagined. The conversation started out discussing gold, silver and the miners. It ramped up and made me to realize how jacked-up our world is when we began discussing uranium. I know little about uranium and the impact it has on our world, that is now changing because of Mr. Katusa. What I do know is it used to create energy in nuclear power plants and it is used in making weapons.

The two primary uses for uranium make it another of the weapons we discussed. When I say weapon that is to say both sides of the coin – good and bad. The good that uranium can do for our world is to make our air much cleaner by “firing a shot” at both coal and oil. If we use less coal and oil our air will greatly improve. I am not a tree-hugger nor do I believe in “global warming/climate change”. I also report regularly on what has occurred in Fukushima, Japan. I understand the implications of nuclear power and how it can impact our world. I also learned, from Marin, that the United Arab Emirates has three brand new nuclear power plants coming online. Why would an OPEC member nation ever consider nuclear power, even on a small scale, unless there was a specific need, specific goal or something is going on with oil as energy? They already have all the energy they will need for a very long time to come – or do they? It is question that begs to be ask.

Our conversation then turned to the “presidential election show “.

I see two things: First of all the first the thing people should be asking is – the existing establishment, on both sides, wether GOP or the Democrats, should be asking themselves “Wholly crap how bad have we been, how screwed up and pathetic have we been for Bernie and Donald to do what they’ve also done?”

The other thing people have to understand is, if you read history, weapons would always evolve; the success of the Roman Empire was always adapting and evolving their weaponry. But today every person in America holds the most powerful weapon ever in their back pocket… Marin Katusa

With the American people seemingly awakening, in a way that I can not remember ever seeing, it would be a disservice to you to not ask Marin what he see’s happening. The media has lied, deceived and continually programmed the people to believe what the establishment wanted us to believe. As Marin points out the people have the greatest weapon ever seen. The one weapon that can not be controlled, can not be stopped and has the power to mobilize millions in a flash. You may be using it to read these words. The smartphone has the power to educate in a way that bypasses all the noise, all the propaganda and allows the person using the weapon to use it in a way that changes their lives and the world. Wonder why the establishment is so concerned about websites like The Daily Coin?

You are holding the wonder-weapon of change.


Give this a listen and allow Marin Katusa, Katusa Research, to share his wisdom and knowledge that has made him a very wealthy man at a very young age.




Please email with any questions about this article or precious metals HERE





The Most Powerful Weapon Ever – Gold, Uranium, Pen?

Posted with permission and written by Rory Hall, The Daily Coin (CLICK FOR ORIGINAL)





Rory Hall, Editor-in-Chief of The Daily Coin, has written over 700 articles and produced more than 200 videos about the precious metals market, economic and monetary policies as well as geopolitical events since 1987. His articles have been published by Zerohedge, SHTFPlan, Sprott Money, GoldSilver and Silver Doctors, SGTReport, just to name a few. Rory has contributed daily to SGTReport since 2012. He has interviewed experts such as Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, Dr. Marc Faber, Eric Sprott, Gerald Celente and Peter Schiff, to name but a few. Visit The Daily Coin website and The Daily Coin YouTube channels to enjoy original and some of the best economic, precious metals, geopolitical and preparedness news from around the world.






Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Gold, the Misery Index and Insanity

Published here:



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Gold, the Misery Index and Insanity

Posted with permission and written by Gary Christenson, The Deviant Investor (CLICK FOR ORIGINAL)


Gold, the Misery Index and Insanity - Gary Christenson



In 1980 Ronald Reagan spoke about the Misery Index. An economist had added the inflation rate to the unemployment rate, called it the Misery Index, and used it to indicate the social costs and economic difficulty for the middle class.

Today the Misery Index is much smaller than in 1980, thanks to … intelligent fiscal management, economically beneficial monetary policy from the Federal Reserve, and wise political policy from the White House. If you believe any of those, read no further.

Most people will agree that the Misery Index is much smaller today because the numbers have been gimmicked. Does anyone believe a few percent for inflation or around 5% unemployment? Massage(torture) the numbers and the Misery Index declines, incumbent politicians are re-elected, while far too many people remain out of work, earning practically nothing on their savings, and paying too much for food, clothing, drugs, medical care, college, transportation and so on.

What we need for this decade, instead of a Misery Index, is an Insanity Index based on measures than indicate how out of balance, crazy, unsustainable, and dangerous our current fiscal and monetary world has become. Consider a few examples:

  • Wall Street bonuses (in excess of base pay) average around $150,000 per person per year. Obviously some receive significantly more than average. Finance, trading, and “paper pushing” have become incredibly profitable. Compare the average Wall Street bonus to the base annual wage for an E-5 U.S. military soldier. See graph below.

  • The SNAP (food stamps) program has escalated from a cost of $15 billion in 1990 to about $74 billion in 2015. Measure the program costs in ounces of gold each year and then try to convince yourself that 60 million ounces of gold each year do not matter. See graph below. Gold is real and can’t be printed like most currencies. The program would “eat up” all the gold in Fort Knox about every three years. Insane!

  • Student loan debt is approaching $1.4 trillion, climbing rapidly, and has increased about 11.5% per year, ever year, since 2006. The student loan debt, measured in gold, is over 1.1 billion ounces – about 8 times the gold supposedly stored in Fort Knox. See graph below of student loan debt measured in Fort Knox Gold Units – the 147,300,000 ounces of gold that supposedly are vaulted in Fort Knox.

  • National Debt (official only – not including unfunded liabilities) currently exceeds $19 trillion, and that debt has increased, and increased, and … increased about 9% per year, ever year, since 1971. The official national debt of $19 trillion, measured in gold, is about 15 billion ounces – around 100 times the quantity of gold supposedly stored in Fort Knox. In 1937 the Fort Knox gold was an asset and a national treasure. Today the U.S. government OWES that national treasure about 100 times … and has what to show for those expenditures and $19 trillion in debt? Insane!

My thoughts:

  • The average Wall Street bonus is about five times the annual wage of an E-5 soldier, and the ratio is increasing. Perhaps the economy overemphasizes the value of the Wall Street casino and paper money, and does not appreciate the soldier enough. Short term insanity!
  • The Food Stamps program is expensive. How crazy is running a program that spends the equivalent of 60 million ounces of gold each year when the supposed total gold savings of the U.S. is about 260 million ounces, of which 147 million are supposedly stored in Fort Knox? Insane!
  • Student loan debt is obviously out of control, increasing rapidly, and may not be repaid unless the Fed and politicians devalue the dollar to near worthlessness. How insane is a program that substantially increases the cost of a college education, creates increasingly unpayable debt, and saddles graduates with a crushing debt load before they are employed?
  • National debt, over $19 Trillion, doubles every eight years on average. Given the “spend, spend, spend” mentality of our politicians, military, and entitlement programs, the national debt will probably double even more rapidly in the next two decades. In round numbers the debt will be $20 trillion by the end of 2016. Can you imagine $80 trillion in debt by the year 2032 (two doubles in 16 years)? Borrow and spend may buy votes and military conquests in the short term but in the longer term expect this insanity to bring dire consequences to the people, country, U.S. economy, and the world.

The Insanity Index:

An index could be created – but what is the point? The United States fiscal and monetary policies passed “crazy” long ago, and now are pushing deeper into insanity with negative interest rates, a war on cash, out of touch Federal Reserve policy, insane debt, QE, uncontrolled deficit spending, and a “what could go wrong” attitude. Clearly the “paper game” has a limited life expectancy, Wall Street is due for a reset, government spending programs and pension plans are on life support, food stamps and student loans are two of many programs aggressively pushing the U.S. government into insolvency – and the solution is … negative interest rates, more QE, and a war on cash! Desperate and delusional!

Suppose the U.S. national debt in 2032 exceeds $80 trillion and the system has not yet imploded … what will be a fair price for an ounce of gold or an average house? What will that 30 year T-bond you bought in 2016 be worth in purchasing power in 2032? What will be the purchasing power of your saving account or retirement account or Social Security check? Debt, desperation and delusional thinking do not buy groceries, shelter, and health, or create a vibrant economy.

Bubbles always pop. Delusions can persist for years or decades, but they eventually crash on the rocky shores of reality. Gold and silver were valuable 3,000 years before the first central bank and I submit they will be valuable 3,000 after the world regains monetary sanity.

Given the insanity of endless borrow and spend programs, ever increasing debt, overpriced stocks and bonds, desperation and delusions, and … so much more … have you stacked physical gold in preparation for the inevitable consequences of all the above?



Please email with any questions about this article or precious metals HERE




Gold, the Misery Index and Insanity

Posted with permission and written by Gary Christenson, The Deviant Investor (CLICK FOR ORIGINAL)



GE Christenson is the owner and writer for the popular and contrarian investment site Deviant Investor and the author of the book, “Gold Value and Gold Prices 1971 - 2021.” He is a retired accountant and business manager with 30 years of experience studying markets, investing, and trading. He writes about investing, gold, silver, the economy, and central banking. His articles are published on Deviant Investor as well as other popular sites.


Sunday, March 27, 2016

Time For Another Leg Down? UBS Calls A Top As Corporate Profits Sink

Published here:

Jobs Cull In The City As Financial Crisis Worsens

Big banks usually promise their clients all sorts of good things and always continue to issue recommendations to continue to invest in stocks and bonds (obviously to rake in their fees), UBS chartists and technicians Muller and Riesner have now publicly stated we might have seen another top of the S&P 500 index.

And when Muller and Riesner speak up, the investment community listens, as these two technical analysts have correctly predicted the two previous corrections (and the recent increase in the gold price), so they do enjoy some respect in the market. They were already correct in seeing the S&P hitting their target at 2050 points earlier this week, but this target was reached much faster than originally anticipated, and we think it’s now fair to say we have seen two V-shaped corrections on the stock market and these corrections might have been wiped out too fast, too soon. Indeed, apparently to the UBS-analysts, the S&P index has now reached its most overbought situation since 2009, and that’s quite a statement to make!

Buyback 3


Of course, at Secular Investor we don’t just act on what just one source claims, but another interesting fact has hit the wires on Friday (and it’s probably not a coincidence this news was released on a day the stock markets were closed). The American economy did grow in the final quarter of last year, but according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, this did not coincide with an increase in the corporate profits. And that’s not something we should easily ignore, as the BEA said the adjusted pre-tax profit of the companies fell by 7.8% in the fourth quarter.

That could and should be seen as a huge disappointment, and this might indeed rattle the markets and ruin the over-excitement. This also emphasizes the point we have made almost eighteen months ago, in October 2014 (!).

‘Our message is that this can’t continue forever. The stock markets will have to face a reality check somed day as we are on a completely different point in the cycle compared to March 2009.[…] The proportion of the cash flow which is being used to buy back shares has almost doubled in the past decade whilst the capital expenditures have decreased. That’s a very dangerous situation as companies don’t only have to spoil their shareholders, they also need to think about the future and investing in new assets is an absolute necessity. ‘

And indeed. The next chart shows you the share buyback level has reached an alarmingly high level.

Buyback 1

Source: FactSet Research

But it gets worse. In excess of 30% of the companies is spending MORE on buybacks than they generated in free cash flow. This means that if you would try to pull up the numbers of companies whose share repurchases + dividend payments are higher than the amount of free cash flow.

Buyback 2

Source: ibidem

When the music stops, the impact might be enormous. A substantial part of these buybacks are funded by increasing the total amount of debt on the balance sheet, fueled by the low interest rate environment. Once the interest rates start to increase again, the cost of debt will become more expensive, and companies will have to focus on reducing the net debt again, rather than reducing the share count.

All signs are pointing towards an overbought general market, so be prepared for a correction.

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Saturday, March 26, 2016

Zika, ZIRP, and NIRP Viruses

Published here:

The Zika virus is the newest threat to humanity, especially pregnant women, so they say. Big Pharma is working feverishly to create a vaccine. Chances are the vaccine will be created, highly profitable, and Big Pharma will be “held harmless” for injuries to those who were vaccinated.

Add GM mosquitoes, birth defects, Brazilian Olympics, big profits, and the story becomes a huge distraction. John Rappoport has suggested there is more to the story.


There is money to be made on vaccines and GM mosquitos, and money to be lost if sales of pesticides and other chemicals are reduced. It is clear in which direction the politics will lean.

The Zika virus should remind us of other strange activities in the financial world.

——– Speculation and Sarcasm Alert ————-

What if we think of ZIRP (Zero Interest Rate Program) as a financial virus, created and distributed by the central banks, that infects pools of savings?

Symptoms are:

a) The ZIRP virus weakens and gradually destroys pension funds. Retirees, beware of this virus!

b) The ZIRP virus destroys income for personal savers. People saved for decades and now their savings yield little or nothing in interest.

c) The same has occurred with Insurance companies – they earn little on their bonds compared to what they previously earned.

d) Governments must (in theory) increase their contributions to retirement plans to supplement the decreased earnings due to the deleterious effects of the ZIRP virus. Consequently some governments are closer to insolvency and should curtail expenditures. Retirees, this is another warning!

e) The bond market is further levitated in its 35 year bull market. This benefits the political and financial elite … until it crashes.


The ZIRP virus is a nasty virus that affects many people, pension plans, insurance companies, and government budgets. Central banks have concocted this virus and it has infected many pools of savings.

But there are worse viruses than the ZIRP virus!

The ZIRP virus has mutated into a nastier version – the NIRP virus, otherwise known as the Negative Interest Rate Program virus. Currently over $7 Trillion in sovereign debt has been infected with this virus and the quantity of infected debt increases daily.

From John Rubino:

“Yesterday  Japan’s government borrowed money on terms that require the lenders to pay rather than receive interest for ten years.  And not only was that bond issue snapped up, it was vastly oversubscribed. This raises a lot of questions, the chief being ‘why would anyone voluntarily commit to something that’s guaranteed to lose money for a decade?’

The short, obvious answer is that the world’s central banks are creating so much excess cash that there seems to be nowhere else for it to go.”

The NIRP virus is similar in symptoms and consequences to the ZIRP virus:

a) Pension funds are destroyed even more rapidly.

b) Personal savers will, once infected by the NIRP virus, experience the questionable privilege of loaning money to their favorite bank and, if the bank survives, receiving back less than they “deposited.”

c) Insurance company earnings are hurt by the NIRP virus. Perhaps rates will rise.

d) Many governments, which are already in financial trouble, will increasingly underfund their pension plans after they have been infected with the NIRP virus.

There are other consequences besides insolvent private pension plans, retirees unable to earn enough from savings, insurance companies earning too little, and government pension plans becoming insolvent quicker.

From Bill Gross (quoted by Rubino):

“Capitalism  does not function well, and profit growth is stunted, if short-term and long-term yields near the zero bound are low and the yield curve inappropriately flat.”

From John Rubino:

“They [life insurance companies] price their policies on the assumption of a mid-single digit positive return on their bond portfolios. Turn that return negative and all of a sudden the world’s life insurers are either unprofitable or insolvent. And that’s a big industry.

“Pension funds, meanwhile, operate the same way, taking in and investing contributions against future obligations. Many US pension plans are already borderline broke and in a NIRP environment they’ll suffer a mass extinction.”

Repeat: regarding the effects of the ZIRP and NIRP viruses:

a) Capitalism does not function well.

b) Life insurance companies become unprofitable or insolvent.

c) Pension funds: expect mass extinction.

d) Retirees and future retirees: This is your warning! Read an article from John Mauldin.

However, an even more destructive mutation of the NIRP virus has been sighted and may infect larger pools of capital:

It is possible the NIRP virus will mutate into the NIR-BAM virus. The Negative Interest Rate with Bank Account Mandatory virus would require that all cash be deposited into bank accounts that are “taxed” each year with negative interest rates. In other words, you can’t win and you must play the game. The NIR-BAM virus is spreading in Europe and Japan, and a few early signs have been seen in the U.S. An outbreak or epidemic is possible.


The ZIRP virus, NIRP virus, and a potential outbreak of the NIR-BAM virus  are destructive to savers, pension plans, insurance companies, economies, and governments who fund pension plans. These viruses have mutated from QE and central bank diseases, and all the consequences of these diseases and viruses have not yet been fully realized.

Going forward we might expect additional QE, continued ZIRP and NIRP, deflation in paper financial markets, weakened economic activities, a banking system crash, and a renaissance in gold and silver markets as people seek protection from the effects of the ZIRP and NIRP viruses.

Economies could deteriorate further as more capital, people and markets are infected by financial viruses. Fortunately, gold and silver have no counter-party risk and both are likely to prosper as other investments experience the deadly consequences of the ZIRP and NIRP virus. Also, gold and silver will help protect savers from the NIR-BAM virus if it becomes an epidemic.

Gold and silver might diminish worries and help people sleep, and thereby improve their immune systems, which will also help protect people from the Zika virus.

Gold and Silver will thrive – as paper assets are increasingly infected by financial viruses.

D-Gold Monthly-3x


Gary Christenson

The Deviant Investor


Friday, March 25, 2016

Marc Faber: “The Most Desirable Currency Will Be Gold”

Published here:

Marc Faber Issues Grim Warning
Perma-bear investor Marc Faber’s current stock investment advice to retail traders is to expand their exposure to precious metals and Asian economies, while staying away from the U.S. dollar.

“[The U.S. dollar] is not a desirable currency,” Faber, publisher of The Gloom, Boom & Doom Report newsletter, told CNBC on Tuesday. “I think the most desirable currency will be gold, silver, platinum and palladium. I still think the mining sector has embarked on a new bull market." (Source: “.

The post Marc Faber: “The Most Desirable Currency Will Be Gold” appeared first on Profit Confidential.

Diversify Into Gold As An “Insurance Policy” Against Geopolitical Risk

Published here:

“Investors could be forgiven for heading for the hills given the tumultuous start to 2016,”  so writes Andrew Oxlade in The Telegraph today who advises investors to diversify into gold as an “insurance policy”:

We have long been advocates of exposure to gold as an insurance policy. This was demonstrated once again in the recent sell-off when the price of bullion surged from $1,061 (£762) an ounce on New Year’s Day to $1,246 (£895) by early February. In times of fear, gold is in demand. The price also rises when inflation becomes a danger.

Deflation remains the bigger threat for now, which is partly why gold has been a poor investment in recent years, but the money printing excesses of central banks could yet unleash inflation. In the meantime, the gold price offers some protection during repeat episodes of buckling confidence.

Gold in GBP – 5 Years

The Telegraph, like GoldCore, had warned of such turbulence at the start of the year. John Ficenec, editor of the Questor column, warned of the real risk of volatility and falls in stock markets.

We believe that the tragic events in Brussels show the continued very high degree of geopolitical risk and the need for an insurance policy.

Further attacks are quite possible, including in the U.S., and this should support gold.

Geopolitical risk is frequently underestimated and it would be unwise to discount the risk of a September 11 style attack in the coming months. Intelligence agencies and ISIS themselves are warning of such attacks and investors need to be diversified to hedge this growing risk.

It gives us no pleasure to be the bearer of this bad news but it is important that the reality of the real risks of today are considered in order to protect and grow wealth in these uncertain times.

Read Telegraph article here


Market Performance This Week (Finviz)


Gold is -2.6% and silver -3.4% this week and markets are in a sea of red as they react to the terrorist attacks in Brussels (See Table).


Gold Prices (LBMA)

24 Mar: USD 1,216.45, EUR 1,088.75 and GBP 861.89 per ounce
23 Mar: USD 1,232.20, EUR 1,101.76 and GBP 870.03 per ounce
22 Mar: USD 1,251.80, EUR 1,117.35 and GBP 876.96 per ounce
21 Mar: USD 1,244.25, EUR 1,104.47 and GBP 863.60 per ounce
18 Mar: USD 1,254.50, EUR 1,112.93 and GBP 868.78 per ounce

Silver Prices (LBMA)

24 Mar: USD 15.28, EUR 13.70 and GBP 10.82 per ounce
23 Mar: USD 15.58, EUR 13.92 and GBP 10.99 per ounce
22 Mar: USD 15.89, EUR 14.16 and GBP 11.12 per ounce
21 Mar: USD 15.81, EUR 14.02 and GBP 10.99 per ounce
18 Mar: USD 15.94, EUR 14.13 and GBP 11.02 per ounce

Gold News and Commentary

Spot gold targets biggest weekly loss in four months (Reuters)

Stock Slide Deepens in Asia as Oil Slumps Amid Resurgent Dollar (Bloomberg)

Gold Falls to Lowest in a Month as Dollar Advance Saps Demand (Bloomberg)

World’s richest Hindu temple wants gold back rather than cash (Reuters)

China’s vice finance minister denies any secret US-China exchange rate deal (Reuters)

Gold Investors Unfazed By Fading Rally – Chart (Bloomberg)

Silver Attractive as Gold-Silver Ratio at 2008 Financial Crisis Level – Video (Bloomberg)

Technician: Gold Heading Toward $1,450—Here’s Why (CNBC)

Bonds Best-Bid But Bullion Blasted As Belgium-Bombing-Bounce Is Battered (ZH)

Stocks vs. Gold – Money and Investment (Future Money Trends)

Read More Here



‘7 Real Risks To Your Gold Ownership’ – Must Read Gold Guide Here

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Thursday, March 24, 2016

Silver Prices: Here’s How $50.00 Silver Could Be in Rearview Mirror

Published here:

Dismal Silver Production to Send Silver Prices Soaring?
If you want to know where silver prices are headed, then just look at silver mine production. It’s screaming that the gray precious metal could soar.

Why does silver mine production matter? As my colleagues and I have mentioned many times in these pages, the demand for silver remains resilient—even when silver prices are down. If mine production tumbles, it could distort the basic economic equation and send silver prices soaring.

With this said, on nearly a daily basis, we are seeing information that silver.

The post Silver Prices: Here’s How $50.00 Silver Could Be in Rearview Mirror appeared first on Profit Confidential.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

“The Greatest Crash Of Your Life Is Just Ahead…” – Harry Dent Warns

Published here:

“The Greatest Crash Of Your Life Is Just Ahead…” – Harry Dent Warns

Harry Dent, best-selling author and economist, has warned that the stock bubble in the U.S. today is the biggest in history and that the “greatest crash of your life is just ahead…”

Writing on his website, Dent warned that

The story on Wall Street and CNBC continues to be that we’re in a correction and this is a buying opportunity. Even Warren Buffett joins the chorus of stock market cheerleaders for the skeptical public. Well, I agree with the skeptical public, not the experts here!


The bull market from early 2009 into May 2015 looks just like every bubble in history, and I’m getting one sign after the next that we did indeed peak last May.

I’ve been telling our Boom & Bust subscribers for months now that the dominant pattern in the stock is the “rounded top” pattern I show in the chart below:


After trading in a steep, bubble-like channel from late 2011 into late 2014, with only 10% maximum volatility top to bottom, the market finally lost its momentum… just as the Fed finished tapering its QE. That’s because the Fed was the primary driver in this stock bubble in the first place!

But the first sign that the bubble had indeed peaked was the break of that upward channel last August. Surprise, surprise! Without the Fed’s stimulus, stocks started to sputter out!

With that sign we can point to what now looks like a series of major tops, in one major index after the next, since late 2014.

Dow Transports, November 2014. Dow Utilities, January 2015. The DAX in Germany and the FTSE in the UK: April, 2015. The Dow and S&P 500, May 2015. The Shanghai Composite in June 2015. The Nasdaq, Biotech and the Russell 2000: July 2015. And finally, the Nikkei Index in Japan that peaked in August 2015.

The Shanghai Index crashed 45% in 2.5 months, similar to the Dow in late 1929 on its first 2.5 month wave down. That one was so obvious that when I said it was about to burst, it peaked that day and rolled over the next!

Read full article here

Dent is a successful newsletter writer and has written numerous best selling books over the years, most recently ‘Spending Waves: The Scientific Key To Predicting Market Behavior for the Next 20 Years’ and ‘The Demographic Cliff – How to Survive and Prosper During the Great Deflation of 2014–2019? – detailing why we’re facing a “great deflation” after five years of stimulus — and what to do about it now.

With stock market valuations in the U.S. in particular looking stretched and U.S. stocks looking very overvalued, we agree with Dent that there is indeed a real risk of a material correction in stock markets as there was in 2000 and in 2007. In presentations to clients we have looked at and explained why we view these markets as over valued and having all the hallmarks of bubbles about to burst.

Given the risk of a new global financial crisis and the backdrop of a massively leveraged global financial system which has seen debt increase another $57 trillion in just 8 years, it would be foolhardy to dismiss Dent’s bearish prediction. Most economists, brokers, advisers and politicians would be likely to do – as they did regarding warnings we made in the 2005 to 2008 period, prior to the first global financial crisis.

Ultimately, none of us have a crystal ball and it is best to focus on what we control and always follow the three rules of investing: diversification, diversification and diversification.

Portfolios with very overweight allocations to equities and bonds are now at risk and there is a strong case for increasing allocations to cash and gold. Careful consideration should be given to who you deposit your money with and store your gold with. Counter party risk and the return of capital rather than the return on capital will assume importance once again in the coming years.

It is worth pointing out that while Harry Dent believes gold prices will fall initially in the coming deflationary spiral – perhaps as low as $700 per ounce – he clearly advises having an allocation to gold as a form of financial insurance:

“Investors might want to keep a little ‘insurance’ gold for diversification.”

Gold prices may indeed fall in the short term however as was the case in the near financial and economic deflationary collapse in 2008, we believe that gold will outperform other assets and should rise in value in the medium term and taking a view on an annual or multi year basis.

Dent’s view that gold will fall to $700 per ounce appears to be based primarily on technical analysis. It ignores the important global supply and demand fundamentals in the international gold market. The above ground, refined, investment grade, physical gold market remains a very small market vis a vis stock, bond, property, cash and derivative markets. Even a small amount of extra demand for physical bullion internationally, given the lack of extra supply should support and indeed lead to higher prices.

To consider gold prices without considering the supply, demand factors driving the market and in particular the very significant demand from China, India and globally and indeed the central bank demand of today is quiet simplistic and liable to lead to erroneous conclusions regarding future prices.

As ever with insurance, it is important to focus on the value derived by the owner rather than solely speculations regarding the price. When buying insurance – whether that be car, health, house or the financial insurance that is gold it is also important to consider the risk of not having insurance and how much it may cost not to be insured.

Real diversification and an allocation to the insurance that is physical gold remains the key to weathering the second global financial crisis.


Gold Prices (LBMA)

23 Mar: USD 1,232.20, EUR 1,101.76 and GBP 870.03 per ounce
22 Mar: USD 1,251.80, EUR 1,117.35 and GBP 876.96 per ounce
21 Mar: USD 1,244.25, EUR 1,104.47 and GBP 863.60 per ounce
18 Mar: USD 1,254.50, EUR 1,112.93 and GBP 868.78 per ounce
17 Mar: USD 1,269.60, EUR 1,119.40 and GBP 883.17 per ounce

Silver Prices (LBMA)

23 Mar: USD 15.58, EUR 13.92 and GBP 10.99 per ounce
22 Mar: USD 15.89, EUR 14.16 and GBP 11.12 per ounce
21 Mar: USD 15.81, EUR 14.02 and GBP 10.99 per ounce
18 Mar: USD 15.94, EUR 14.13 and GBP 11.02 per ounce
17 Mar: USD 15.78, EUR 13.86 and GBP 10.93 per ounce

Gold News and Commentary

Gold futures log gains in wake of Brussels terror attack (Marketwatch)

Global stocks recover from early selloff; safe-haven assets ease (Reuters)

Spot gold slips as dollar gains dampen safe-haven trade (Reuters)

U.S. Stocks Fluctuate After Brussels Attack as Gold, Dollar Gain (Bloomberg)

Venezuela exports $456 Mln in gold to Switzerland amid cash crisis (Reuters)


Gold-to-Silver Ratio May Favor Silver (Marketwatch)

Global Ponzi Collapse and Munich Re’s Pot of Gold (Max Keiser)

Greatest crash of your life is just ahead (Nasdaq)

Another damning report suggests fund managers can’t do their jobs (Money Week)

Why Goldman is wrong about gold (CNBC)

Read More Here 

Paul Craig Roberts: The Establishment Can’t Control Trump Or Sanders

Published here:




Hold your real assets outside of the banking system in one of many private international facilities  --> 



Paul Craig Roberts: The Establishment Can’t Control Trump Or Sanders

Posted with permission by Rory Hall, The Daily Coin (CLICK FOR ORIGINAL)



Paul Craig Roberts: The Establishment Can’t Control Trump Or Sanders - The Daily Coin




The public has learned that the political Establishment represents the 1% and they have no chance with any Establishment candidate, either Republicans or Democrats…They’re supporting them less for their stance on issues and more on the fact that maybe there’s a chance that they [Trump/Sanders] would do something for the 99%. – Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, Shadow of Truth.

Aside from the fact that Hillary Clinton is allowed to run for President rather than spend all of her time defending herself from criminal charges for treasonous political crimes, the most horrifying aspect of the 2016 Presidential Campaign is watching the Republican Establishment contemptuously disregard democracy and spend millions in an attempt to defeat Trump, is the people’s choice to be the Republican Presidential candidate.

I don’t think the Establishment will allow Trump or Sanders if they can prevent it to win the Presidential election. We already have prominent Republicans stating that if Trump wins the nomination they’ll vote for Hillary. – Paul Craig Roberts, Shadow of Truth

The wealthiest businessmen and corporations who fund politicians in order to control the political process are lining up like pigs at the trough to throw as much money as is needed to try and derail Trump’s candidacy. The same is true with Hillary Clinton, as her biggest donors are George Soros and the big Wall Street Banks.

Paul Craig Roberts gained experience and insight on this subject as a member to the Reagan Administration. The Republican Establishment didn’t like Reagan because he was an outsider.

If Trump gets the nomination, the Republican Establishment is more threatened by him than they are by Hillary winning the election because an outsider disrupts their loss of control. – Paul Craig Roberts, Shadow of Truth.

The Shadow of Truth hosted Dr. Paul Craig Roberts for a discussion about the election, the rise of Putin and Russia’s military withdrawal from Syria and the economy/precious metals. Part One below starts off with Dr. Roberts’ assessment of the effort being made by the Establishment of both Parties to deny Trump and Sanders a chance to be their party’s Presidential candidate:


They don’t like Trump because he says he’ll work things out with Putin…Trump also says we’ve got to reinvestigate 9/11 – well this drives the neocons wild. You have to ask yourself, if the 9/11 story was true, why would the neocons care if it was reinvestigated? But they are so opposed to it that there has to be something wrong with the story. 





Please email with any questions about this article or precious metals HERE




Paul Craig Roberts: The Establishment Can’t Control Trump Or Sanders

Posted with permission by Rory Hall, The Daily Coin (CLICK FOR ORIGINAL)



Rory Hall, Editor-in-Chief of The Daily Coin, has written over 700 articles and produced more than 200 videos about the precious metals market, economic and monetary policies as well as geopolitical events since 1987. His articles have been published by Zerohedge, SHTFPlan, Sprott Money, GoldSilver and Silver Doctors, SGTReport, just to name a few. Rory has contributed daily to SGTReport since 2012. He has interviewed experts such as Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, Dr. Marc Faber, Eric Sprott, Gerald Celente and Peter Schiff, to name but a few. Visit The Daily Coin website and The Daily Coin YouTube channels to enjoy original and some of the best economic, precious metals, geopolitical and preparedness news from around the world.


Silver Prices All Set to Run Towards $660 Mark, Experts Predict

Published here:

Huge Upside for Silver Prices, Expert
Silver prices could hit $660.00 a troy ounce as the financial crisis rapidly deepens, according to investing legend Egon von Greyerz.

“Gold and silver are now reaching their period of glory. Precious metals will be one of the very few ways to insure yourself against total wealth destruction,” Greyerz, the man who has become legendary for his predictions on quantitative easing, historic moves in currencies, and other significant global market events, said in an interview with King World News.

Last week’s Fed decision not to.

The post Silver Prices All Set to Run Towards $660 Mark, Experts Predict appeared first on Profit Confidential.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Gold Silver Ratio Says It’s Time to Buy Silver, Sell Gold

Published here:

Gold Silver Ratio Says It’s Time to Buy Silver, Sell Gold

Silver remains undervalued versus gold and the gold silver ratio suggests “selling the former” and “buying the latter” according to a Bloomberg article published today.


“When the head of one of the world’s biggest silver streaming companies says he’s more bullish on his metal than gold, don’t dismiss him just for talking his own book. This chart suggests Silver Wheaton Corp. Chief Executive Officer Randy Smallwood may be right. The gold-to-silver ratio just fell below 80, and the last three times that happened silver outperformed gold by 60 to 302 percentage points in the next two or three years.”

We continue to see silver as very undervalued vis a vis gold but more especially vis a vis stocks, bonds and many property markets. Rather than selling the financial insurance that is gold, we would advise reducing allocations to stocks, bonds and property and allocating to silver. If one is very overweight gold in a portfolio and has no allocation to silver than there is of course a case for selling some gold and reweighting a portfolio in order to diversify into silver.

See Bloomberg article here

Gold Prices (LBMA)

21 Mar: USD 1,244.25, EUR 1,104.47 and GBP 863.60 per ounce
18 Mar: USD 1,254.50, EUR 1,112.93 and GBP 868.78 per ounce
17 Mar: USD 1,269.60, EUR 1,119.40 and GBP 883.17 per ounce
16 Mar: USD 1,233.10, EUR 1,111.79 and GBP 874.09 per ounce
15 Mar: USD 1,233.60, EUR 1,112.56 and GBP 870.71 per ounce

Silver Prices (LBMA)

21 Mar: USD 15.81, EUR 14.02 and GBP 10.99 per ounce
18 Mar: USD 15.94, EUR 14.13 and GBP 11.02 per ounce
17 Mar: USD 15.78, EUR 13.86 and GBP 10.93 per ounce
16 Mar: USD 15.29, EUR 13.78 and GBP 10.84 per ounce
15 Mar: USD 15.32, EUR 13.81 and GBP 10.82 per ounce

Gold News and Commentary

JPMorgan Chase’s forecaster says buy gold, not stocks (CNBC)
Gold eases but support seen at $1250/oz (Bullion Desk)
Gold dips below $1,250 an ounce (Marketwatch)
Gold falls as stronger dollar weighs on prices (Reuters)
Indian jewellers calls off strike; gold imports to rise (Reuters)

Silver Getting Accidental Boost From Base Metal Industry’s Gloom (BBG)
Disclosures of Gold Market Manipulation Are Coming Soon – Kirby (USA Watchdog)
Is Janet Yellen blind to the rebound in inflation? (Marketwatch)
Central Banks Already Doing Unthinkable — You Just Don’t Know It (Telegraph)
Wall Street’s pile of unwanted Treasuries exposes market cracks (Bloomberg)

Read More Here

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Monday, March 21, 2016

Currencies Around The World Race To ZERO

Published here:




Currencies Around The World Race To ZERO

Posted with permission from SGT Report




Mario Draghi pledged to destroy the Euro last week with ECB Bazooka money. Meanwhile, Japan continues to debase the Yen at a record pace, and Venezuela is in the process of achieving outright hyperinflationary status. Simultaneously, currencies around the world are in an unprecedented suicidal race to parity -- OR ZERO – whichever comes first. All while the blasphemous Banksters in the City of London lick their chops on Threadneedle Street, knowing full well that their devious plans to kill cash entirely are well underway.



As the world races toward a cashless society ruled by omnipotent global bankers, there remains only one good question: Got PHYSICAL gold and silver? Jeff Nielson from Sprott Money & BullionBullsCanada joins me to discuss.





Please email with any questions about this article or precious metals HERE



Currencies Around The World Race To ZERO

Posted with permission from SGT Report



Supply and Demand Report, 20 Mar, 2016

Published here:

Early on Monday morning (Arizona time), silver began to rise. From its close on Friday of $15.46, it ran up to $15.82. Then it began to slide, eventually dropping to $15.17 by midmorning on Wednesday. Then…


The Fed said not a lot. It will go on manipulating the rate of interest rate to the same level as it had been previously. This was not what the market was expecting, as many believed the Fed was on the war rate-hiking path. Lower interest means more quantity of money dollars which means more rising prices which means gold and especially silver should go up.

And go up, silver did. At least, if you measure it using muggle money. Silver ran up 44 cents on the Fed announcement. Then consolidated before running up over $16. It finally exhausted itself $16.15.

It ended the week at $15.78, about 30 cents higher than it began. As the muggles would reckon it, gold went up $5.

As always, we’re interested not so much in the price chart as the fundamentals of supply and demand. We like to know if a move was just leveraged speculators buying or selling futures, or if it was buyers or sellers of actual metal. The latter can tell us if a move will likely be durable or not.

This is a segue into an interesting question asked by a reader last week. He noted that the speculators are trying to predict the next price move. What if they’re right? Then a speculative move may lead a fundamental move.

That is true enough—if they’re right. The catch is knowing if they’re right, on a case by case basis. We have lost count of the number of times silver speculators have gotten excited and falsely predicted a breakout. There have been many corrections as the price of silver has dropped over the three years that we have been publishing our analysis, and the period before that when we had a private email letter. And when each of those corrections has exhausted itself, the downward price trend continued.

Have we seen the price bottom? We think it’s likely. At least, there is no fundamental reason for silver to go back to a 13 handle. On the other hand, if silver speculators became as depressed about their metal as gold speculators are, then that is exactly what would happen.

On the other, other hand—quick, somebody get me a one-handed economist!—we think it is more likely that bearish gold sentiment will slowly fade than that bearish sentiment will bleed over from gold to silver.

Price bottom aside, is there any reason to expect a skyrocketing silver price? Read on for the only true picture of the gold and silver supply and demand fundamentals
(For an introduction and guide to our concepts and theory, click

But first, here’s the graph of the metals’ prices.

       The Prices of Gold and Silver

Next, this is a graph of the gold price measured in silver, otherwise known as the gold to silver ratio. The ratio was down again. 

The Ratio of the Gold Price to the Silver Price

For each metal, we will look at a graph of the basis and cobasis overlaid with the price of the dollar in terms of the respective metal. It will make it easier to provide brief commentary. The dollar will be represented in green, the basis in blue and cobasis in red.

Here is the gold graph.

       The Gold Basis and Cobasis and the Dollar Price

The green line is the price of the dollar, measured in gold terms (i.e. the inverse of the price of gold). As it falls (i.e. the gold price rises) gold becomes less scarce. The red line is the gold cobasis, our measure of scarcity of the metal. From last week:

Gold is becoming less scarce as its price is rising.

It’s almost eerie how well the gold scarcity tracks the dollar price, as they both descend. Almost as if there was a connection. Or something. ;)

The uncanny tracking of gold scarcity with the price of the dollar continues.

Our calculated fundamental price of gold fell a few bucks again, but it’s still well over $1,400.

Now let’s look at silver.

The Silver Basis and Cobasis and the Dollar Price

Last week, we noted that the silver fundamentals firmed up a bit. That was last week.

This week, scarcity synced back up with the price of the dollar again. Note the big drop in the cobasis, and big rise in the basis. Silver for May delivery is in a nice contango, though the 38 bps you could earn to carry silver is a bit under LIBOR.

The silver fundamental dropped over a nickel this week. It’s more than a buck below the market price.

Will the speculators be right this time? Is silver headed to $20, much less $50? We would not put our money in harms’ way (to borrow a phrase that Kevin O’Leary has used on Shark Tank) to bet on that thesis.

Monetary Metals will be in Hong for Mines and Money, and in Singapore for Mining Investment Asia. If you will be in town for either conference, and would like to meet, please drop us a line.


© 2016 Monetary Metals

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Munich Re Gives The ECB The Middle Finger, Owns Almost 300,000 Ounces Of Gold

Published here:

Munich Re 1

Last week, we reported on the ECB’s decision to cut the interest rates and how Mario Draghi said ‘helicopter money’ is ‘an interesting concept that is being studied’. In the accompanying Q&A session, Draghi also said he did not expect the ECB would have to reduce the (already negative) interest rates even further which disappointed the markets. In fact, the disappointment was so big, the ECB already sent one of its members into the trenches to walk back on that statement.

In an interview with the Italian newspaper La Repubblica, the ECB’s chief economist said that the ECB would not mind reducing the interest rates once again. Not only did he leave the door open for further rate cuts, he also explicitly mentioned helicopter money as an extreme but theoretical solution for the lack of liquidity on the European markets.

He also said that so-called "helicopter drops" were feasible in principle, though they remain an extreme measure. "All central banks can do [helicopter drops]. You can issue currency and you distribute it to people," he said. "The question is, if and when is it opportune to make recourse that sort of instrument which is really an extreme sort of instrument," he added.’ 

This means the ECB is still willing to increase the liquidity in the Euro-system by all means, and this very likely is the first time a central bank is openly discussing helicopter money (the remark by Ben Bernanke during the Global Financial Crisis was more a tongue-in-cheek comment). On top of that, the message of negative interest rates seems to be well understood by some companies in the financial system.

Munich Re, one of the largest reinsurance companies in the world, has said it will increase its cash hoard as it doesn’t want to pay a fee to the European Central Bank to store the cash there overnight. This is a first step of a problem we already warned for about two weeks ago. We said that any further reduction in the negative interest rate would have to go hand in hand with banning cash from ‘the streets’. That made a lot of sense, considering people would just start to hoard cash under their mattresses to avoid paying an annual fee to store cash on the bank, and even if people would withdraw just 10 or 15% of their savings from the banks, the entire financial system might implode.

Munich Re 3


The simple fact Munich Re is planning to store tens of millions of euros in bank notes in its vaults might be the start signal for a very slow bank run. What’s stopping the other insurance companies, or even the bank themselves to just increase the cash position rather than keeping the deposits overnight at the European Central Bank?

We also wanted to find out if the media rumors about Munich Re buying gold were true, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. The total amount of gold on the balance sheet seemed to be rather flattish compared to the previous financial year. According to our calculations, the insurer has approximately 285,000 ounces of physical gold on its balance sheet, and that’s definitely nothing to sneeze at! It’s probably one of the very few financial institutions that is somewhat transparent with regards to its gold position, but we still had to scroll all the way down to page 234 of its annual report to find the disclosed amount of gold.

Munich Re 2


Should Munich Re decide to convert just 1/4th of its cash position on the banks to physical cash and physical gold (in a 50/50 ratio), it would have to purchase in excess of 750,000 ounces of gold. And keep in mind Munich Re is just the first mover, and other insurance companies and financial institutions might follow suit, as it’s the only practical way to avoid parking excess cash at the ECB.

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Saturday, March 19, 2016

If This Happens, Silver Mining Stocks Could Soar

Published here:

8Silver mining stocks are still undervalued even as the S&P 500 turns positive for the first time this year. Despite some positive news regarding the U.S. economy, there is still a raft of economic reasons why investors should not be lulled into a false sense of security. In fact, because of ongoing volatility on the stock market, silver mining stocks remain one of the best opportunities out there.
Silver Prices Higher Because S&P 500 Turning Positive
Silver prices remain bullish, up 13.25% year-to-date and trading near $15.60 an ounce. Silver is at its.

The post If This Happens, Silver Mining Stocks Could Soar appeared first on Profit Confidential.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Silver Fundamentals: The Numbers Don’t Lie

Published here:




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Silver Fundamentals: The Numbers Don’t Lie

Written by Jeff Nielson (CLICK FOR ORIGINAL)




Silver Fundamentals: The Numbers Don’t Lie - Jeff Nielson




“Statistics can be used to say anything.”

Many readers are familiar with this cliché, but few understand its real significance Numbers don’t lie, meaning the raw data which we collect on a nearly infinite number of subjects. Statistics, on the other hand, are rarely just raw data. Instead, they are numbers that have been massaged (i.e. manipulated) with various adjustments.

Deception and deceit enters into the picture when our governments (and charlatan economists ) create their statistics, and do so by making adjustments which are completely indefensible from an analytical standpoint. These adjustments don’t improve upon the raw data in terms of adding clarity, but rather they pervert the data into numbers which cease to have any resemblance to the real world.

Thus, with their adjusted statistics, these frauds-with-numbers can make the U.S. Great Depression look like a recovery. An even more obvious example is found in all the imaginary “jobs” the U.S. government claims to have created during its imagined recovery .

Fewer and fewer people are working in the U.S. every year, and virtually every month. Since the start of the “recovery,” the U.S. economy has lost an additional 3+ million jobs. The “11 million new jobs” boasted of by the political puppets, and manufactured by charlatan economists, never existed. They were completely created with mammoth – and bogus – adjustments.


“Numbers don’t lie – people do.”

This brings us to the silver market, and some numbers that illustrate some unequivocal truths. There are few better sources for numbers on silver than precious metals icon, Eric Sprott. In a recent interview withThe Daily Coin , Sprott provided a few interesting numbers.

Silver is mined at an 11:1 ratio to gold. This is raw data. This becomes significant when we look more raw data numbers: the natural occurrence of these two metals in the Earth’s crust. Silver is approximately 17 times as plentiful as gold. Therefore, all things being equal, we should expect silver to be mined at a near-identical ratio of 17:1.

Instead, silver is under-produced by roughly 50%. How? Why?

We know it could not possibly be due to lack of interest or demand. Historically, over a span of thousands of years, the price ratio between silver and gold was a very steady 15:1. This means that (over thousands of years) humanity has exhibited a slight price preference for silver. It occurs at a 17:1 ratio, but people have been willing to pay for it at a slightly higher 15:1 ratio.

In more modern times, we have proof that humanity’s desire for silver hasn’t waned at all. As was explained in a previous commentary , the silver market has been in a state of supply deficit for thirty consecutive years – something totally unprecedented with any other commodity market in history.

Indeed, it is impossible for any other commodity on the planet to ever experience a supply deficit of this magnitude, with one exception: gold. What makes gold and silver totally unique in this respect? Being“precious,” we have conserved these metals over thousands of years, and as a result humanity has accumulated gigantic stockpiles of them. In fact, nearly all the gold ever mined has been conserved.

However, this is no longer true with silver. In addition to being a more brilliant metal than gold, silver is incredibly useful. Over the past quarter century, more silver-based patents have been created than with any other metal on the planet. But not only does silver have unparalleled versatility, it is an extremely potent metal, meaning that in many of its commercial applications it is used in only trace amounts.

Why is this of significance? Because in such tiny quantities it is economically impractical to ever recycle any of this silver, at prices anywhere near the (absurd) levels of recent decades. Thus this silver is being consumed in tiny amounts, but in billions and billions of consumer products, over a span of decades.

Unlike gold, our stockpiles of silver are disappearing. As previously mentioned, for at least the last thirty years, the only way that our strong demand for silver could be satisfied has been through consuming portions of these stockpiles. Perhaps no one has studied this dynamic longer and more closely than noted silver researcher Ted Butler.

Butler argues that consumption of the world’s silver (on a net basis) dates back more than 70 years , to World War II. This begs the obvious question of how much (above-ground) silver is left in the world, but no one can supply a precise answer. Estimates have ranged from a high of 6:1 (versus gold), all the way down to where some commentators argue that the stockpile of gold is now larger than the dwindling stockpile of silver.

Give these numbers, there could never possibly be any legitimate explanation as to why silver is under-produced by 50%. In fact, there is only one illegitimate explanation: price suppression . Let’s toss out some more numbers. In the 1990s the price of silver was manipulated to a 600-year low.

We’re not talking about minor, subtle price suppression here, but rather a massive, systemic attack on this market, which began (originally) a hundred years ago. Another silver historian, Charles Savoie, provides the background here, in his noted chronology The Silver Stealers.

Savoie points out that during World War I, the British Empire conscripted vast numbers of soldiers into its army from India’s immense population. But these soldiers would not accept banker-paper for wages. They would only fight if paid in hard silver – the “Peoples’ Money.”

By the end of World War I, a large percentage of the world’s silver had flowed into India. Enter the Old World Order , the oligarch crime syndicate which readers know today as “the One Bank.” Both contemporary sources like Bill Still (The Money Masters) and historical sources like Charles Lindbergh Sr. ( The Economic Pinch) document how this crime syndicate was already pulling the strings of our puppet governments a hundred years ago.

These Western oligarchs ordered the British government to loot all the silver from India after World War I. Once that had been done, the Old World Order then commanded that much of that silver be dumped into the global market, virtually all at once. It was these massive twin crimes which distorted (and destroyed) the historic 15:1 price ratio which had existed for roughly 5,000 years.

Silver has been under-priced, both versus gold and in absolute terms, ever since. However, it was only in the 1990s that the One Bank took this price suppression to a criminal extreme. The 600-year low they produced by that systemic price manipulation literally destroyed the global silver mining industry .

Well over 90% of all silver mining companies were bankrupted. Since this era of extreme silver price-suppression began, roughly 80% of the world’s silver is now produced as a by-product of other mining (primarily lead, zinc, and copper) – further proof of extreme price manipulation.

There is no other explanation as to why (for thousands of years) we got most of our silver from primary silver mines, but no longer do so today. Because of this extreme, systemic price suppression, only the world’s richest deposits of silver can still be mined at a (small) profit.

This brings us back to another number provided by Eric Sprott in his recent interview. Silver is currently being purchased (in investment demand) at a 50:1 ratio to gold. For the significance of this shocking number, we need merely refer back to two other numbers already presented.

Silver is currently mined at an 11:1 ratio to gold (including all by-product production). It exists in the Earth’s crust at a 17:1 ratio. How can it be purchased and consumed at a 50:1 ratio? It can’t – not without leading to an inevitable inventory default once the last ounce of the world’s stockpiles is consumed.

Anything that is under-priced will be over-consumed.

This economic tautology has been presented in several previous commentaries . The hypothetical example used most often is chocolate bars. Imagine if chocolate bars only cost a dime. This was the actual price of chocolate bars, before Paul Volcker assassinated the gold standard and unleashed the One Bank’s“inflation” upon us.

If chocolate bars were priced at 10 cents apiece today, in our ultra-diluted dollars, all chocolate bars would disappear from store shelves in a few days. Worse still, no chocolate bar manufacturer could remain in business selling its chocolate bars that cheaply.

All the world’s chocolate bars would disappear. No more would be produced. The only bars remaining would be the tiny number hoarded and stockpiled by chocolate lovers. This brings us back to silver.

As previously documented, over a span of thousands of years humanity has exhibited a slight preference for silver over gold, in relative terms. This is not surprising, given that silver is the more brilliant of the two metals, and today, the more useful of the two metals. Yet the price ratio today has not shrunk from the historic 15:1 ratio, to reflect the decimation of global silver stockpiles. Instead, it has soared to a totally absurd level of today more than 80:1.

Again, there is no legitimate explanation for the current (ultra-suppressed) price for silver. Conservatively, silver should be priced at a minimum of a 6:1 ratio to gold, reflecting the maximum ratio of silver-to-gold stockpiles – i.e. priced over $200/oz. Arguably, silver should be priced at least as high as gold (if not higher), reflecting that the world might now have more gold than silver. This translates into a current price for silver at or above $1,200/oz (USD).

Perhaps by coincidence, a previous commentary pegged a “starting point” for the price of silver at $1,000/oz. This number came via a totally separate line of reasoning. It began with an observation by analyst Rob Kirby that, historically, the average wage for workers was 1 ounce of silver per week. With the average (paper) wages of the workers of today being approximately $50,000/year, this would require that the workers’ 1 ounce of silver (per week) be priced at roughly $1,000.

Numbers don’t lie – people do. And the “numbers” on silver tell an unequivocal story.

      1) Silver price suppression has been more extreme and more continuous than any other form of price manipulation by the One Bank crime syndicate.

      2) The near-total destruction of the global silver mining industry is a direct result of this systemic crime.

      3) If silver was ever priced anywhere close to a fair and rational level, we would see the resurrection of the global silver mining industry. Once again, most of the world’s silver would come from silver mines, as had been the case for thousands of years.

      4) An absolute minimum price for silver today would be $200/oz. However, a very strong case can be made that the current price of silver should be at least $1,000/oz (USD).

The world will eventually run out of silver, and it will happen soon. Roughly one billion ounces of stockpiled silver has been consumed over just the last decade alone. The numbers don’t tell us that this silver default might happen, they tell us that it will happen.



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Silver Fundamentals: The Numbers Don’t Lie

Written by Jeff Nielson (CLICK FOR ORIGINAL)