Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Gold And Silver About To Make A HUGE Breakout?

Published here: FOMC members keep on repeating, like a mantra, that the Federal Reserve wants to hike interest rates still in 2015. Although the media is ‘hanging on the lips’ of the FOMC and U.S. Fed, it...

Gold Price Forecast: Goldbugs Could Have the Last Laugh in 2016

Published here: Gold Price Outlook: This Could Send Gold Prices Soaring in 2016 Gold prices had a slight rebound last week, supported by the U.S. Federal Reserve’s decision not to raise interest rates. The...

China Now Fifth in World Gold Holdings

Published here: In his article for Bloomberg Business Ranjeetha Pakiam takes a look at China’s recent accumulations in gold and how the country now compares in the world league table on gold holdings. He observes that there...

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Gold For Cash Through A Pawn Shop

Published here: It was only a couple of years ago when ‘gold for cash’ was a raging trend in the Western hemisphere. With gold prices going through the roof, and the financial crisis creating great damage for quite some households, many people found their way to gold shops in order to exchange their jewelry for cash. That...

Negative Interest Rates And Cashless Society Are Theft

Published here: Global Gold Switzerland talks to Thomas Bachheimer, expert in financial markets and President of the European chapter at the Gold Standard Institute. This is an excerpt from the Global Gold Outlook Report (subscribe here). Return to national currencies in the EU When it comes...

Boehner Vows to Ram through More Deficit Spending

Published here: It’s campaign season, and that means non-stop media coverage of candidate polls, quips, gaffes, tweets, emails, controversies, lies, and scandals. It all makes for a good soap opera. Unfortunately,...

Gold and Silver, Good and Bad Choices

Published here: A few bad choices come to mind: 1971: President Nixon refused to exchange dollars for gold subsequent to August 15, 1971. He claimed it was “temporary” and blamed speculators. Gold prices and inflation soared. Mid-1990s: The Federal Reserve dramatically increased debt and the money supply and encouraged...

Silver Price Forecast: Yuan Devaluation Could Send Silver Prices to $50

Published here: Yuan Devaluation Bolsters Silver Price Outlook Although silver prices have been in decline since 2011, the yuan devaluation will likely lift precious metals to untold...

Published here: This is a very important story and shows how China and Russia are increasingly close and strong allies who are flexing their muscles and asserting themselves as rival superpowers...

Monday, September 28, 2015

Gold’s Trend Change: 7 Bullish Indicators

Published here: It is getting very exciting in the gold market! We have shown several bullish gold indicators in the last couple of weeks. Here is the thing: the number of bullish indicators keeps on growing. First, GLD...

Gold Miners: The Ultimate Contrarian Investment

Published here: Let’s discuss one of the most oversold and hated investments in today’s financial market conditions – Gold Mining equities (NYSE: GDX). Performance over three and twelve month time frames,...

Buy Gold While You Still Can!

Published here: In part 1 of his 2 part report on the ever-tightening supply of physical gold, Chris Martenson describes the fascinating data that “reveals the extent of the West’s massive dis-hoarding of physical gold”. He points...

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Divergence Drivers and the Dollar

Published here: The main thrust of our bullish US dollar outlook is the divergence in monetary policy trajectories. We do not think the divergence has peaked and anticipate it to persist through next year and into 2017.      Since...

The Doomsday Vault Was Opened For The First Time Ever!

Published here: Source: Earlier this week, there was a shocking revelation the so-called ‘doomsday vault’ in Norway had to be opened for the very first time. Just 1,300 kilometers north of the arctic circle...

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Weekly Gold Market Review For September 25th

Published here: In his weekly market review, Frank Holmes of the summarizes this week’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the gold market for gold investors. Gold closed the week at...

3 Top Silver Stocks to Watch in 2016

Published here: I don’t think any investor is holding out for a bull run in silver or other precious metals in 2015. Thanks in part to rising interest rates and a weak economic outlook. But 2016, on the other hand, is a whole...

Friday, September 25, 2015

Gold Outlook: Bears Showing Signs Of Fatigue

Published here: Bloomberg reports today an extremely interesting insight from the options market. Based on data compiled for SPDR Gold Shares (GLD) by Bloomberg, the put-to-call ratio, or the number of bearish options trading...

Gold Price Outlook After Yesterday’s Rally

Published here: Gold rallied strongly yesterday on a safe haven bid amid stock market turmoil. As the stock market was sinking lower, moving closer to its August lows, gold and silver in USD moved more than 2% higher. More...

Premiums Rise and Delivery Delays Increase on Silver Coins and Bars

Published here: Silver bullion coins are continuing to see rising premiums and delivery delays due to continuing very robust demand and a lack of supply of all silver bullion coins. Premiums on...

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Now Is The Time To Accumulate Future Gold Mining Tenbaggers

Published here: We have heard it so many times: investors need to buy low and sell high. In other words, invest when there is blood in the streets. The precious metals sector has seen blood in the last...

The Great Illinois Gold Rush

Published here: There is no gold rush in Illinois. The important question is, “Why Not?” Per Mike Shedlock (Mish) here and here: “Illinois is in serious financial trouble.” “Illinois has no current budget.” “The reality is Illinois is flat-out broke.” The State Comptroller estimates that the backlog of unpaid bills will exceed...

Signs Point to Possibility of Silver Prices Jumping 420%

Published here: Silver is one of the most underappreciated assets in recent years, but there are signs the grey metal may jump 420% again. The last time silver prices made such extraordinary gains...

Bank of England and LBMA Gold Bullion - The “London Float”

Published here:   A case study of physical gold stored in London Vaults in LBMA 400 troy ounce gold bars has been undertaken by Ronan Manly, Koos Jansen, Bron Suchecki and Nick Laird. Nick...

Why Silver Wheaton Corp. (NYSE:SLW) Could Be a $40 Stock

Published here: Nobody likes mining companies these days. But remember; in times of uncertainty, the greatest opportunities are born. Currently, there’s a shining star in the mining sector that remains...

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Trapped Central Banking and Gold

Published here: By David Bryan The future direction of the planet is between the central bank’s counter-party paper Ponzi currency or the independence of real money. Foresighted central banker John Exter is famous for his classification...