Thursday, September 29, 2016

Trump’s Mirage of Spending Cuts Will Make America’s Collapse Great

Published here: This article by David Haggith completes a series first pubished on The Great Recession Blog.  In the first debate, Hillary Clinton called Trump’s...

Going The Way Of The Denarius

Published here:         Going The Way Of The Denarius Posted with permission and written by Jeff Thomas     History repeats. (Or it rhymes, depending on your choice of words.) Throughout history, there has...

ECB "Refused To Answer Questions" – “Systemic Threat” Of Deutsche Is “Not ECB Fault”

Published here: The potential collapse of Deutsche Bank and the systemic risk it poses to banks and the European financial and monetary system...

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Euro “Might Start To Unravel” If Collapse Of Deutsche Bank

Published here: The euro "might start to unravel" if Deutsche Bank collapses according to respected financial journalist Matthew Lynn. "It all has a very 2008 feel to it ..." he...

2017: Gold and Silver’s Year of “Public Recognition”

Published here: In all probability, December 2015 marked the bottom of the cyclical gold and silver bear market – a bear cycle that had been in play since silver topped in May 2011 and gold in September of...

John Embry: The Fundamental Attraction of Gold

Published here:         John Embry: The Fundamental Attraction of Gold Posted with permission and written by Sprott Global Investments   For investors who are both just beginning their foray...

The Federal Reserve Note “Dollar” Is Indeed Dying, but Not Next Week

Published here: Some say the U.S. dollar may die 5 days hence. The Chinese renminbi will kill it. Much is being made of plans by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to add the renminbi to its basket...

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Do You Really Own Your Gold?

Published here: Do You Really Own Your Gold? by Ted Bauman, Editor, The Bauman Letter What does it mean to “own” something? It’s a question you should be asking … especially if that something is gold. The Oxford English...

Monday, September 26, 2016

“Gold Will Likely Soar To A Record Within Five Years"

Published here: "Gold will likely soar to a record within five years as asset bubbles burst in everything from bonds to credit and equities, forcing investors to find a haven", reported Bloomberg last week,...

Blood Brothers: The Bank of England and the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA)

Published here: by Ronan Manly, The London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) is a London-based, globally active, trade association for “the promotion and regulation of commerce...