Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Bank Of England Warn Of "Challenging" Outlook For Britain's Financial System

Published here: Ulster Bank Parent RBS Fails Bank of England Stress Test "Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS)(RBS.L) will cut costs and sell assets to boost capital levels, it said on Wednesday after failing...

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Abolish Corporations

Published here: The Daily Bell  Abolish Corporations   Don’t Lower Corporate Taxes. Abolish Them … Lowering the corporate tax rate appears to be all the rage. Donald Trump has promised a cut to 15 percent from 35 percent in the U.S., and British Prime Minister Theresa May has pledged to make the U.K.’s corporate tax the...

The USDJPY and the "Price Of Gold"

Published here: Hold your real assets outside of the banking system in one of many private international facilities  -->          The...

Is Gold About to Reverse the Trump Dump?

Published here:   The Trump election win has resulted in four key items: 1)   US-stocks soaring. 2)   The $USD rallying above 100. 3)   US bonds collapsing. 4)   Gold and Silver collapsing. Regarding...

Black Friday, Fake News and Gold

Published here: Hold your real assets outside of the banking system in one of many private international facilities  -->          Black...

Peak Silver Cometh – Supply Deficits Continue Meaning Higher Prices

Published here: Peak Silver - Supply deficits continue meaning higher prices May have experienced a peak in world silver production Global silver market suffered another large net supply...

Monday, November 28, 2016

US Domestic Tumult – Orchestrated or Not?

Published here: The Daily Bell  US Domestic Tumult – Orchestrated or Not? No, Russian Agents Are Not Behind Every Piece of Fake News You See  … Making everyone who shares fake news part of a Russian conspiracy is not helpful. One of the themes that has emerged during the controversy over “fake...

Banker Scaremongering In FT re €4 Trillion Italian Banking System as Referendum Looms

Published here: Bail in risk - €4 Trillion Italian banking system at risk as referendum looms Sunday according to Financial Times Concerns of multiple bank failures -...

Sunday, November 27, 2016

The U.S. Silver Market Experienced Two Signficant Developments

Published here: By the SRSrocco Report, According to the USGS most recent report, the U.S. silver market experienced two significant developments in August.  From the data published in the USGS August...

How Will China’s Soft-Landing-Policy Suffer Under Trump?

Published here: Source: When it became clear Trump was about to win the US presidential elections, the value of the Mexican Peso nosedived and lost in excess of 10% overnight....

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Elites Plot to Replace Austrian Free-Market Economics?

Published here: Via The Daily Bell Elites Plot to Replace Austrian Free-Market Economics? Don’t Entrust Economics to the Experts … Why has so much of the world succumbed to populist demagoguery and xenophobic nationalism? To a non-trivial extent, economists may be responsible.  This idea finds some support...

Friday, November 25, 2016

The Jill Stein Recount Ploy is a Scam Worthy of the CNBC Show American Greed

Published here: Hillary Clinton already conceded the election and isn't interested in dividing the country via a ridiculous recount. After all, she was the one holding Trump's feet to the fire in accepting...

Gold Down 13.5% In 13 Days – Trump Bearish For Gold?

Published here: Gold down 13% in 13 trading days since Trump election Factors that have led to lower gold prices Trump bearish for gold in coming four years? 'Trumpflation' cometh Sharia gold - vaulted gold...