Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Stock Market Highs Make Strong Case for Precious Metal Buys

Published here: http://goldsilverworlds.com/economy/stock-market-highs-make-strong-case-precious-metal-buys/ Dow 20,000 was ushered in with great fanfare. Traders on the New York Stock Exchange sported “Dow 20,000” hats. Even President Donald Trump joined the celebration. Trump told ABC News he was...

Silver, Platinum and Palladium Bullion As Safe Havens - Reassessing Their Role

Published here: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-01-31/silver-platinum-and-palladium-bullion-safe-havens-reassessing-their-role Precious Metals As Safe Havens - Reassessing Their Role New research confirms that not just gold but also the other precious metals -  silver, platinum and palladium...

Monday, January 30, 2017

Gold after Trump: How Gold Performed in 2016 and Price Forecast for 2017

Published here: http://goldsilverworlds.com/gold-silver-experts/gold-trump-gold-performed-2016-price-forecast-2017/ We started 2016 with a strong gold price rally. It continued to grow for almost 6 months before the price started to stabilize. As with other trends on the market, gold price quickly entered...


Published here: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-01-30/greece-imf-go-home The next few weeks will be interesting to see whether or not the European Union and the European Central Bank really care about the wellbeing of Greece and the Greek economy. The original reason for the bailout of Greece was...

Trump’s Trade Policy to Drive Price Inflation and Gold Buying

Published here: http://goldsilverworlds.com/economy/trumps-trade-policy-drive-price-inflation-gold-buying/ Donald Trump’s trade policy is likely to spark higher consumer price inflation, and that has ramifications for gold and silver prices. Regardless of where investors stand regarding the president’s...

Silver Speculators Gone Wild, Report 29 Jan, 2017

Published here: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-01-30/silver-speculators-gone-wild-report-29-jan-2017 This week, the prices of the metals had been up Sunday night but were slowly sliding all week—until Friday at 7:00am Arizona time (14:00 in London). Then the price of silver took off like a silver-speculator-fueled-rocket....

Will The Euro Collapse In 2017?

Published here: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-01-30/will-euro-collapse-2017 Will The Euro Collapse In 2017?  2017 could be the year that the euro collapses according to Joseph Stiglitz writing in Fortune magazine and these concerns were echoed over the weekend...

Sunday, January 29, 2017


Published here: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-01-29/big-movement-ahead-silver-market%E2%80%A6-serious-trouble-paper-markets By the SRSrocco Report, The Silver Market will experience a significant trend change in the future due the unraveling of the paper markets.  Already we are witnessing...

Friday, January 27, 2017

PRESS RELEASE – 2017 Platinum American Eagles – soon to be released by the US Mint

Published here: http://goldsilverworlds.com/physical-market/press-release-2017-platinum-american-eagles-soon-released-us-mint/ For Immediate Release: 1/27/2017 Bullion Exchanges www.bullionexchanges.com Bullion Exchanges announces the new 2017 Platinum American Eagles – soon to be released by the US Mint In 2017, the US Mint will celebrate 20 years since the very first issue of the Platinum American...

Precious Metals v. Mining Stocks: What You Need to Know

Published here: http://goldsilverworlds.com/gold-silver-experts/precious-metals-v-mining-stocks-need-know/ Most readers of this column own (or plan to own) physical precious metals – gold and silver, perhaps even some platinum or palladium. They may also own mining stocks. But which category is “best”?...

What Pitfalls Investors Should Expect From Gold In The First Months Of 2017

Published here: http://goldsilverworlds.com/physical-market/pitfalls-investors-expect-gold-first-months-2017/ Gold had an incredibly interesting year in the year 2016. In the beginning of the year, the precious metal skyrocketed as China started a domino effect of global economic hardships. The run upward in the value of the precious metal continued throughout the first half of the year. However,...

Fourteen Years AFTER Bernanke Defined the U.S. Dollar as Worthless

Published here: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-01-27/fourteen-years-after-bernanke-defined-us-dollar-worthless Hold your real assets outside of the banking system in one of many private international facilities  -->    https://www.sprottmoney.com/intlstorage          Fourteen...