Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Jim Rickards on the Golden Conspiracy

Published here: Hedge fund, PhD statistician claims gold market is “the most blatant case of manipulation” PhD: “Statistically impossible unless there’s manipulation occurring” Gold serves as political chips on the world’s financial...

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Gold-backed Currency Launches in Dubai

Published here: Gold-backed Currency Launches in Dubai  New gold-backed currency OneGram launched Backed by one-gram of gold, uses blockchain technology OneGram is first in wave of new Shariah, tech-savvy gold products 2017...

Monday, May 29, 2017

The Hundred Billion Dollar Man

Published here: Interested in precious metals investing or storage? Contact us HERE    The Hundred Billion Dollar Man - Jeff Nielson Written by Jeff Nielson (CLICK HERE FOR ORIGINAL)       Regular readers...

How To Buy And Sell Gold And Silver Using Bitcoin

Published here: Submitted by Ronan Manly, Given the very strong price appreciation of Bitcoin recently, Bitcoin holders who are thinking of diversifying or taking some profits on their Bitcoin positions...

What's going on with bitcoin?

Published here: What's going on with bitcoin? Bitcoin hits $2,700, a 500 fold increase in five years and doubling in price since May 1st. Previous surges - in 2011 and 2013 - have been followed by dramatic crashes Significant premiums seen...