Monday, February 22, 2016

David Haggith: The Economy is Failing All Over The World

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David Haggith: The Economy is Failing All Over The World

Posted with permission and written by Rory Hall, The Daily Coin (CLICK FOR ORIGINAL)



David Haggith: The Economy is Failing All Over The World - The Daily Coin


I love the credit card commercials on TeeVee and how they talk about “cash back”, “cash bonus”, “cash this” and “cash that” – “what’s in your wallet?” We are being trained to believe that a piece of plastic is “money”. Gold is money and everything else is credit. Paper “dollars” is a representation of money and credit/debit cards are an illusion of money. What happens to our lives, our human rights, if cash is outlawed?

As George Carlin says, “No body seems to notice, no body seems to care.” That, unfortunately, is a fact. When you have football games, hockey games, baseball games, basketball games, endless hours of TeeVee to watch, how could a person be expected to follow some trivial item like the government banning cash?

Totalitarian creep is moving into hyperdrive. Almost on a daily basis we see another article in mainstream media about a “cashless society”. If you follow the Liberty Movement and/or alternative press then you are aware the drums for a cashless society are beating louder and louder every day.

What does it mean to the average person on the street to live in a cashless society, where all commerce is conducted electronically? One of the more horrific aspects is that if you step out of line and you have a legal issue, say a traffic ticket, then your account could be seized, drained of all it current resources and you are left with nothing until your account is replenished in a few days or a few weeks.

How often does your current employer issue a bank draft/direct deposit to pay you? If you work for a large company then you are being trained to live in a cashless society. Most of the larger companies will not issue a hard check or pay you in cash – bank draft/direct deposit only. Say you don’t have a bank account? Well, then you had better get one, otherwise, you have two choices: work for free or find somewhere else to work and since, by law, you are not allowed to work for free, you have only one option.

What about interest on your checking and savings account? What about fees for transactions that are currently being paid by the seller? In most cases those fees are passed along to the buyer but in a cashless society you no longer have a choice in paying those fees or not. Yeah, it’s only 1.5-3% of the purchase price, but if you would rather not pay that fee you are out of luck. What about freedom of choice? What if you don’t want to purchase “X” car but prefer “Y” car? What if the transaction fees were used in a way that made you think twice about the car you actually want versus the car the government wants you to buy? Now what?

You know, the government can steer what you’re going to spend your money on by saying some things we’ll charge you bigger transaction fees. It just gives endless ways to manipulate the economy down the road. Because you don’t have the option of saying “You know what, I don’t like any of this so I’m taking my money out of the bank.” You can’t because there’s no cash. – David Haggith 

As our economy continues slipping into the abyss of the unknown the central banksters around the world are becoming more desperate as the days go by. Since the Federal Reserve stopped “stimulating” the economy, which was nothing more than giving the too big to jail banks free money, the stock market is falling, the gapping wholes in the global economy are coming into view and the world wide recession/depression is becoming all too real.

Japan was the first economy to implement negative interest rates – you know, where the bank charges you for the privilege of using your money – it is not working. The Japanese economy is still in free fall. Europe is up next as is the U.S. to give this “twilight zone” monetary policy a try. It is going to fail in both Europe and the U.S., the same way it has failed in Japan. The final outcome of all this nonsense will be a cashless society and we will be forced to hand over all our cash and allow the government, in conjunction with the too big to jail banksters, to “save us”.

I penned an article, Breaking Away from the System, soon after launching The Daily Coin. In that article I pleaded with the audience to consider an alternative to the current dollar based system. I suggested small business owners begin accepting gold and silver as payment for their goods and services. I am asking again for small business owners to consider this as an option. If we don’t hang together, we will surely hang separately. – Benjamin Franklin. Benjamin Franklin is the President that adorns the $100 note and is the first note in question by Larry Summers in making this banksters dream, total control, come true.




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David Haggith: The Economy is Failing All Over The World

Posted with permission and written by Rory Hall, The Daily Coin (CLICK FOR ORIGINAL)









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