Friday, July 14, 2017

“Financial Crisis” Coming By End Of 2018 - Prepare Urgently

Published here:

"Financial Crisis Of Historic Proportions" Is "Bearing Down On Us"

John Mauldin of Mauldin Economics latest research note, Prepare for Turbulence, is excellent and a must read warning about the coming financial crisis. Mind refreshed from what sounds like a wonderful honeymoon and having had the time to read some books outside his "comfort zone" he has come to the conclusion that we are on the verge of  a "major financial crisis, if not later this year, then by the end of 2018 at the latest."

Source: Financial Times

Mauldin is a New York Times bestselling author and respected investment expert and his excellent analysis concludes with advice to prepare urgently for the financial "crisis of historic proportions" which is "once again bearing down on us":

"You and I can’t control whether banks are ready, but we can control whether we are ready. I am working on a number of fronts to help you. My brief time away convinced me beyond any doubt that a crisis of historic proportions is once again bearing down on us. We may have little time to prepare. We definitely have no time to waste."

His financial crisis warning is important as Mauldin is no perma-bear. Indeed up until now his central thesis was that we were in the "muddle through economy" and that the U.S. economy and global economy would "muddle" along and we would avoid a financial crisis. So not only has he changed his central thesis but he has gone from being neutral and mildly positive to being very bearish and concerned about a severe financial crisis.

Mauldin is a long time advocate of owning physical gold including gold coins  as financial insurance - taking delivery and secure storage.

"I do not think of gold as an investment. It is insurance for me. I buy a fixed amount of gold nearly every month, no matter the price. I hope the price of gold goes down, because that means I get more coins in the mail to go into the vault. Yes, I take delivery of my gold, and it is near me if I need it."


Afraid of the Truth
We Couldn’t Take the Chance
Policy Brick Wall
Least-Bad at Best
Getting Out of Dodge
Global Contagion
Barefoot on the Beach



“The job of the central bank is to worry.”

– Alice Rivlin

“The central bank needs to be able to make policy without short-term political concerns.”

– Ben Bernanke

“… from the standpoint of the overall economy, my bottom line is we’re watching it closely but it appears to be contained.

– Ben Bernanke, repeatedly, in 2007

“Would I say there will never, ever be another financial crisis? You know, probably that would be going too far, but I do think we’re much safer, and I hope that it will not be in our lifetimes, and I don’t believe it will be.”

– Janet Yellen, June 27, 2017

“My good friends, for the second time in our history, a British Prime Minister has returned from Germany bringing peace with honor. I believe it is ‘peace for our time.’ Go home and get a nice quiet sleep.”

– Neville Chamberlain, September 30, 1938


Photo: Monica Muller via Flickr

The way we assess problems depends on our perspective. People can look at the same set of facts and reach quite different conclusions based simply on their circumstances. This is why it’s good at times to get away from your normal environment. Listen to a wide variety of opinions. Read books outside of your comfort zone. You’ll see things differently when you return.

I had that feeling on returning to the US from Shane’s and my honeymoon in St. Thomas. We’re now officially married, and we thank everyone for the congratulations and kind wishes. I saw a little bit of news while we were there but spent more time just relaxing with my bride and reading books.

Re-entering the news flow was a jolt, and not in a good way. Looking with fresh eyes at the economic numbers and central bankers’ statements convinced me that we will soon be in deep trouble. I now feel that it's highly likely we will face a major financial crisis, if not later this year, then by the end of 2018 at the latest. Just a few months ago, I thought we could avoid a crisis and muddle through. Now I think we’re past that point. The key decision-makers have (1) done nothing, (2) done the wrong thing, or (3) done the right thing too late.

Having realized this, I’m adjusting my research efforts. I believe a major crisis is coming. The questions now are, how severe will it be, and how will we get through it? With the election of President Trump and a Republican Congress, your naïve analyst was hopeful that we would get significant tax reform, in addition to reform of a healthcare system that is simply devastating to so many people and small businesses. I thought maybe we’d see this administration cutting through some bureaucratic red tape quickly. With such reforms in mind I was hopeful we could avoid a recession even if a crisis developed in China or Europe.

Six months in, the Republican Congress that promised to repeal and replace Obamacare, cannot even agree on the process. For six years they discussed what to do, and you would think they might at least have a clue ...

Prepare for Turbulence should be read in full at Mauldin Economics


News and Commentary

Gold on track for first weekly gain in three (Nasdaq)

Cautious Fed lifts stocks to record high, investors eye earnings boost (Reuters)

U.S. budget deficit reaches $90 billion for June (Reuters)

London house price slump continues (Ciyt AM)

JPMorgan Hires New Head of Global Government Relations (Reuters)

How silver could bounce back after a ‘bearish 2017’ (Marketwatch)

Gold – building a base for higher? Forecasts (Forex Live)

The Tripwire on the Next “Black Monday” (Daily Reckoning)

Are IPOs a good investment? (Stansberry)

Bitcoin's acceptance among retailers is low and getting lower (Bloomberg)

German police search for stolen huge gold coin worth $3.9 million (Washington Post)

Gold Prices (LBMA AM)

14 Jul: USD 1,218.95, GBP 940.54 & EUR 1,067.92 per ounce
13 Jul: USD 1,221.40, GBP 944.51 & EUR 1,071.05 per ounce
12 Jul: USD 1,219.40, GBP 947.60 & EUR 1,064.29 per ounce
11 Jul: USD 1,211.90, GBP 938.98 & EUR 1,063.68 per ounce
10 Jul: USD 1,207.55, GBP 938.63 & EUR 1,060.11 per ounce
07 Jul: USD 1,220.40, GBP 944.47 & EUR 1,068.95 per ounce
06 Jul: USD 1,224.30, GBP 946.14 & EUR 1,077.51 per ounce

Silver Prices (LBMA)

14 Jul: USD 15.71, GBP 12.11 & EUR 13.76 per ounce
13 Jul: USD 15.95, GBP 12.34 & EUR 14.00 per ounce
12 Jul: USD 15.83, GBP 12.31 & EUR 13.82 per ounce
11 Jul: USD 15.51, GBP 12.02 & EUR 13.61 per ounce
10 Jul: USD 15.22, GBP 11.82 & EUR 13.36 per ounce
07 Jul: USD 15.84, GBP 12.29 & EUR 13.88 per ounce
06 Jul: USD 16.01, GBP 12.36 & EUR 14.09 per ounce

Recent Market Updates

- Video – “Gold Should Probably Be $5000” – CME Chairman Duffy
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- Goldman, Citi Turn Positive On Gold – Despite “Mysterious” Flash Crash

Important Guides

For your perusal, below are our most popular guides in 2017:

Essential Guide To Storing Gold In Switzerland

Essential Guide To Storing Gold In Singapore

Essential Guide to Tax Free Gold Sovereigns (UK)

Please share our research with family, friends and colleagues who you think would benefit from being informed by it.


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